When he told me to get lost, I didn't think he meant it literally

Oct 07, 2009 16:25

WHO:Aroon and Kimmy
WHEN: 11:00 AM Wednesday morning on October 7
WHERE: ...somewhere in Huayan
WHAT: Aroon and Kimmy are playing hookie and are spending some "quality" bonding time..while being lost.

Wait WHAT does that sign say?! )

where the hell am i?, status: complete, thailand, bonding tiemz, vietnam

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Comments 25

lotusvivi October 7 2009, 23:57:51 UTC
" Uhmm.... Huayan." she said. They were in the part, but where specifically? She hadn't really been in that part of this area before. And yes, even though she was Asian, she didn't spend THAT much time here. Shameless, right?

Also, being an Asian who didn't really read Chinese or Japanese written language, made it even worse when trying to guess what all the signs around them said.

Why had they gone here again? Oh yeah.... Playing hookie.

Just like when they were kids. At least the two years she had lived in Thailand, they'd skip school a day and buy ice cream and just sit by some beach or something and eat it. Except they hadn't gotten lost then.

Like now. She sighed, and stuffed her hands in her pockets.


all_thaied_up October 8 2009, 00:17:05 UTC
Aroon stared, incredulous. Well, alright. A Thai boy and a Vietnamese girl can surely navigate themselves through an area with just Japanese and Chinese signs…right? Right?

Okay…maybe not. That doesn’t actually sound like such a good idea. Aroon almost wanted to just call a taxi and go back to his apartment to sleep the rest of the day away. But it has been a while since he was able to spend time with Kimmy. Also..there was something very important that he needed to take care of…

“Kimmy…I came with you like I promised. NOW can I get Sofia back?”


I HAS YOUR ELEPHANT >8D lotusvivi October 8 2009, 00:24:21 UTC
" I don't have him. He's at my apartment." Kim said, with an innocent grin. " I left him there so I wouldn't lose him after we went out." she explained. For some reason, whenever she was near that stuffed animal, something always happened. She was certain it had some sorta curse on her. Maybe it was really alive, and just didn't like her very much, cause it didn't wanna share Aroon with anyone.

Totally. That had to be it. Evil little elephant.


WHY ARE YOU PICKING ON MY ELEPHANT :[ all_thaied_up October 8 2009, 00:29:57 UTC
Aroon blinked. Once. Twice.

What? She pretty much bribed him out of bed today with the promise of returning his elephant to him, cleaned and perfect, if he went along with her crazy scheme.

“…well I guess..I will have to drop by your apartment later on and pick it up then.”

Aroon glanced at the colorful neon signs and strange shops all around them. Well it doesn’t look like he’ll make it back to his work anytime soon even if he knew where he is right now, so might as well make the best of today, right? Maipenrai!

“Are you hungry? Have you gotten breakfast this morning yet, Kimmy?”


lotusvivi October 10 2009, 19:27:17 UTC
" I'll try." she said when he talked to her. Was it that hard to see the difference between a Vietnamese and a Chinese?

Damn Americans..... And anyone else who wasn't Asian. She sighed, but was pulled out of her thoughts when Aroon suddenly pointed to a store and spoke up again. A Hello Kitty store. So... much... pink.... She felt her face twist a bit at the pink overdose, but followed him as they headed over to it.

Oh, well.... Maybe she could find something for someone in there. Was worth a shot.


all_thaied_up October 19 2009, 23:28:59 UTC
Aroon grinned like a kid in a candy store, pulling the merchandises with and/or relating anything to elephants off the shelves and piling them in his arms.

He picked up a particularly fat looking stuffed elephant, and shoved it unceremoniously into Kim’s face. “Ahh! This is so cute!”


lotusvivi October 20 2009, 00:07:22 UTC
" Hey!" but it came out muffled when the stuffed elephant was shoved against her face. She pushed it away carefully, looking at the load in his arms. " You're getting all of that?" she asked, wondering if was able to pay for all of it.

Herself looked around, and picked up a Pucca doll. So tempting......


all_thaied_up October 26 2009, 22:59:54 UTC
Aroon’s shopping habit was a little bit strange. But then again, his pay at the restaurant was good enough that he can afford to splurge on dumb things like this. “Yes! Of course. Why would I not?”

He smiled toward Kim and the doll that she picked up. “Would you like that too? I can get that for you.”


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