Passing out on people’s lawn is a talent!

Oct 07, 2009 00:54

WHO: Feliks, Aidan, anyone else...?
WHEN: Just after the bars close on Monday, October 5th
WHERE: The front lawn of one Feliks Łukasiewicz
WHAT: Feliks' milkshake brings one particular drunk to his yard
RATING: Uh well, F-bombs. They will be dropped.

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northern ireland, status: complete, seychelles, poland

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FASHION EMERGENCY DX island_maiden October 9 2009, 04:55:25 UTC
Oh oh oh! This was so not good. Seychelles had been the least affected by the vomit. But water making her dress translucent was a whole different kettle of fish.

"S-stop," she sputtered, "What are you trying to do, you idiot? This is NOT going to help get us off your lawn. Call off your dog and turn off the stupid hose!"

Feliks didn't seem to have any intention of stopping and this really wasn't resolving anyone's problems. Seychelles leaped up from her position near Aidan and ran at Feliks, moving out of the way of the stream of water which was now, essentially drowning Aidan while the dog throttled him.

Seychelles figured that the guy was already mad at her (even though she had been trying to help), so she gritted her teeth and tackled him, knocking the hose out of his hands.


BABY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME! itshappyhour October 9 2009, 05:19:34 UTC

Wait, WHAT? That was all Aidan was able to process before Za rushed at him. -and, and, oh fuck, OH FUCK. What the hell was he going to do now? It’s all right, it’s all right- Aidan tried to console himself with the fact that he had his lucky charms. They would keep him safe! They always did! He let out undignified shrieks and screams as he was being shaken about, threw up a few extra times to boot before- wait, what was going on?

The next thing he knew, he was sucking in water while being fucking throttled.

“FUCK! YOU GUYS, I’M DYING HERE!” He managed to get out through much sputtering and choking and wheezing. He honestly hadn’t a clue what happened between that and where he was now-which was free from that psychotic killer dog’s grasp. ...but he was thankful. Very thankful. His lucky charms had saved the day again. He muttered thanks to his saviours none-too-quitely and adamantly swore expand his collection.


girl fight lol ponies_omg October 9 2009, 16:54:50 UTC
"Oh my God! Get off me!" Feliks screamed at Seychelles as he pushed her off. The last thing he wanted were for his neighbors to look out their windows and see a girl wrestling their gay neighbor (shirtless gay neighbor, no less) on his own front lawn. That and he was totally going to have like, tons of grass stains on his pants now thanks to that tackling.

Feliks jumped to his feet. "I was just like, trying to clean them off, OK? God. I'm like, so sorry if it splashed on you too," he yelled. He glanced up and noticed Aidan had managed to wriggle himself free of Za's grasp. "You! Come here and like, let me wash you off, 'k?"


And one of us is topless!~ XD island_maiden October 10 2009, 18:12:54 UTC
"Are you kidding me?" Seychelles asked dumbfounded. "There were a lot of ways that made sense to deal with that situation. That was not one of them. No where close."

Seychelles paused. Did this guy always talk like a sixteen year old girl?

"Also, you whispered die. That doesn't sound so good to me."


itshappyhour October 11 2009, 07:13:27 UTC
"You! Come here and like, let me wash you off, 'k?"

Aidan just stared at Feliks. Actually, that wasn’t very accurate. It was more of an incredulous, you’ve-got-to-be-shitting-me kind of look. He almost drowned because of that hose, for fucks sake!

“What?” He asked slowly, now very, very confused. “You do realise that you and your dog almost killed me, right?” In the back of his mind, Aidan wondered how the man (well, there were no breasts indicating otherwise) could so easily brush off what had just happened. -unless it was a ploy to get him to a secluded place to off him. ...which, actually, seemed pretty plausible to him, as he was almost mauled by that killer animal at the man’s command.

“Listen, fuck, I’m sorry. Really sorry. For that... fancy shirt or something. And trespassing. Sheila-Shelly-She is too!” Aidan immediately pointed at Seychelles, completely forgetting her name (did he even get her name that night?).


island_maiden October 11 2009, 15:04:39 UTC
"It's Seychelles," she informed Aidan, "I never really told you that night. And it's nice to see you owning up to your stupid mistake rather than having me deal with it while you were almost in a coma."

Seychelles was soaking wet, somewhat dirty, and dealing with a seriously oblivious pair of guys.

"Now then, you two apologize to each other so that we can get this whole thing over and done with," she ordered the other two.


ponies_omg October 11 2009, 22:02:19 UTC
"Ok, like, first thing, that was a seriously a brand new Armani shirt that I paid like, $350 for, 'k? And second, you puked on my dog and my lawn too. That's totally gross and yeah, it's like, no wonder Za, that's my dogs name by the way, anyway, so it's like, no wonder Za jumped on you! I mean, ew! But he's totally a big softie and like, wouldn't really kill you just 'cause I said 'die', I mean, look at him! Isn't he just like, the cutest thing ever? Aren't you Za? Aren't you just like, a big sweetie? Yes you are!" Feliks said blissfully ignorant of Za's true nature. Nonetheless, the dog wagged his tail lazily in response to the attention.

"Besides, I'm totally not apologizing 'cause I'm not the one dripping vomit everywhere," Feliks pouted while shooting Aidan a dirty look.


island_maiden October 11 2009, 22:26:42 UTC
"First of all," Seychelles countered, "You were freaking out over a shirt and nearly drowned my friend here. Second of all that is no dog, that is a wolf. An angry wolf too. Third and finally, Aidan probably didn't enjoy vomiting too much either. Also he wouldn't be dripping, per se, if you hadn't hosed him down. He might be drunk, I might be rude, but you are just crazy."

Rant over, Seychelles walked over to help Aidan up and shot Za such a nasty look that the dog actually padded away from her and back towards Feliks.


This is the bitchest Feliks has ever been. XD ponies_omg October 12 2009, 00:50:42 UTC
"So I'm crazy for thinking that I totally shouldn't like, roll over and take it when a bunch of strangers show up on my property, destroy my stuff and then demand an apology out of me? Nu-uh. That's totally not how this works so przepraszam, że czasem taka suka ze mnie*," Feliks paused when he realized that he slipped into Polish in his haste to argue with Seychelles.

"I'm just like, trying to fix things, 'k?" he said as he picked up the hose again and tried to finish washing Za off.

"And you're right, you're like, seriously rude. Clean yourself, clean my yard and then get the hell off it, 'k?"

[*] "sorry for being a bitch sometimes" Said with dripping sarcasm obviously.


Re: This is the bitchest Feliks has ever been. XD island_maiden October 12 2009, 01:09:34 UTC
"We only demanded an apology because you turned the hose on us and told him to die," Seychelles defended. "No one needed you to defend anything. I was just trying to get Aidan away from here. If you hadn't gone insane, we'd be gone by now. I would have left you a note with our info you so contact us for any damages and everything. Also, I don't understand what you finished saying, but it wasn't in English which means you probably didn't want to say it in English because it was rude. Also that shirt was not that cute anyways, expensive or not."

Seychelles couldn't believe this guy's nerve.

"Since most of the damage to your yard was done by you. We're going to go now," Seychelles informed him, shouldering Aidan's weight and standing up straight.


itshappyhour October 12 2009, 04:06:27 UTC
“Right, right, I’ll apol--” Aidan began, giving into what Seychelles wanted. But he stopped as the other two began their bickering. “Jaysus... Seychelles, what are you doing? We’re technically trespassing. He could have the cops on us.” He groaned, very obviously distressed at the girl’s courage. Besides, hearing two people arguing really wasn’t what he needed right then. Now propped up with Seychelles' help, he felt the nausea and that horrible hangover come back.

“I don’t know if it’ll be any consolation to you, but since you like your fashion and stuff, I work at the hair salon near LU. If you come on by, I’ll get you a free session- wash, cut, straightening, dye, whatever you want.” Aidan tried to diffuse the situation. ...Conner would have his arse if he got in trouble with the law again.


ponies_omg October 12 2009, 18:07:29 UTC
"Also that shirt was not that cute anyways, expensive or not."

Feliks choked back laughter. Seychelles was trying to tell him what was cute or not? He almost felt bad for her and her complete ignorance of fashion. Almost.

He was surprised by Aidan's offer. He hadn't actually been expecting either of them to repay him for anything. He just wanted everything to be clean. "That...actually sounds like, kinda nice. Thanks," Feliks said happily.


itshappyhour October 14 2009, 03:57:32 UTC
“GREAT--” Aidan replied, a little too enthusiastically and loudly, at the thought that he wasn’t going to be thrown in jail. “Give us a call a before hand, yeah? We’re almost always booked if you come the day of.” He managed to reel back his initial excitement just a touch and nervously smiled at Seychelles.

“W-we’ll be going now, lad.” With that, he tried to use his weight to lean on the dark haired girl as a hint that he wanted to get the fuck out of there. He stumbled a bit, was glad that Seychelles was supporting him to stay upright. The dog was glaring at him, he was sure of it. Freaky killer animal-it had to be a murderous fae out to get him.


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