Passing out on people’s lawn is a talent!

Oct 07, 2009 00:54

WHO: Feliks, Aidan, anyone else...?
WHEN: Just after the bars close on Monday, October 5th
WHERE: The front lawn of one Feliks Łukasiewicz
WHAT: Feliks' milkshake brings one particular drunk to his yard
RATING: Uh well, F-bombs. They will be dropped.

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northern ireland, status: complete, seychelles, poland

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Comments 21

I'm In Ur Open Thread, Touching Yo' Kirklands island_maiden October 7 2009, 07:26:53 UTC
Seychelles practically skipped down the street. So what if it was a Monday? She had cut class and baked all day and she had improved so much. She was sure she could try to get an apprenticeship at a good bakery soon. Seychelles had considered calling Johnny to tell him how well she had done, but she wasn't sure how to talk to him. They hadn't really been in contact since the incident at the bar with his brother.

Still, the thought passed and Seychelles' good mood returned in force. Nothing was bringing her dow--

Oh crap that drunk from Girls' Night. Passed out on a lawn. She couldn't just leave him there. He'd get in trouble.

"Wake up!" she hissed at the him. Prodding his sleeping form with her toe.


Don't make me break out the hose ponies_omg October 7 2009, 17:30:15 UTC
Feliks' giant dog had been staring intently at the front door since he'd woken up. Probably wanted to go for a walk. "It's too early for a walk, Za," Feliks told him. The dog whimpered pathetically in response but continued to stare at the door. "Aww, Za. You'll like, totally break my heart if you keep this up!"

Feliks considered his options which consisted of either working on his next article or wearing one of his new Armani shirts and taking his dog for a walk. As always, fashion and cute things won.

"'K, Za, you wanna go for a walk? Does my big, vicious, killer dog like, totally wanna go for a walkie?" Za wagged his tail enthusiastically as Feliks clipped his leash on. As Feliks opened his front door, Za darted in front of him, lowered his ears and growled loudly at...something? Ew. What was the crumbled thing that girl was poking and why was it in his yard? Feliks tightened his hold on the angry dog's leash and called out, "Uh, hi? Why are you in my yard and like, what's that other thing in my yard?"


You like, totally might have to do that, girlfriend! itshappyhour October 7 2009, 22:18:55 UTC
It had been a couple of hours since Aidan passed out. The darkness of the night had given way to the warm rising sun, the birds chirped cheerfully, and Aidan was drooling on Feliks’ carefully maintained lawn. Upon being prodded by Seychelles, Aidan twitched and let out a small groan.

Without even opening his eyes, he mumbled something suspiciously close to “fuck Connie, ah swear ah’ll leave yer whiskey alone.” After that, nothing, it looked like he had fallen back asleep.


island_maiden October 8 2009, 11:08:36 UTC
Seychelles would find it funny if it wasn't so irritating.

"Hi," she said to the boy (it was a boy right?), "I'm sorry, I found him like this and he is an acquaintance. I'm Seychelles and this is Aidan. It's nice to meet you. I'll try to wake him up again."

She knelt down besides Aidan and very gently placed her hands on his shoulders. She then proceeded to shake the living daylights out of him. Not subtle, but it would probably work.


Be careful what you wish for~ ponies_omg October 8 2009, 19:33:38 UTC
Feliks nodded. So the thing in his yard was a person. Well, at least it wasn't a burglar or worse, Ivan. "Down, boy," he told Za and the dog obediently stopped trying to protect him from men sleeping on his lawn.

He walked over to stand by Seychelles and noted the smell of cheap whiskey hanging in the air. Now why did that seem familiar? Unfortunately, Feliks' thoughts were interrupted when the petite girl began to violently shake the drunk which only made Feliks laugh. At least when strangers showed up on his property they were entertaining.


itshappyhour October 8 2009, 20:11:45 UTC
“JAYSUS, MARY AN’ JOSEPH!” If it was physically possible to leap up a few feet into the air, he would have done so. However since the laws of physics exist, Aidan simply jolted straight up into sitting position. Still really badly hungover, he blearily stared at the girl who shook him like a rag doll. “Why the fuck would ye do that to a man?” He lamented, feeling the full effects of the alcohol from last night and the merciless shaking.

Only then did he realise that he was definitely not at home. ...wait wasn’t that the girl from Girls' Night? Aidan turned to take a better look around, and was face-to-face with the very big, vicious killer dog Za. “OH FUCK--” there was simply too much excitement for Aidan to handle in one sitting--he projectile vomited all over Feliks’ dog and who knows what else.


island_maiden October 8 2009, 23:44:27 UTC
Seychelles couldn't help it, she giggled at the boy's overdone comments.

"Aidan right?" she asked the dazed redhead. "I know you. From that time at the bar. Honey, you're asleep on a stranger's lawn. Way to make an ass of yourself. I'm going to take you home, so please don't fight that. Let's just get up and get you out of here."

She looked over to Feliks. "I'm still really sorry. He shouldn't have had this much to drink. Even if he won't admit it."


OH NO YOU DI'INT ponies_omg October 9 2009, 04:29:57 UTC
Feliks looked down at his shirt. There was vomit on his shirt. His brand new $350 Armani shirt ( ... )


FASHION EMERGENCY DX island_maiden October 9 2009, 04:55:25 UTC
Oh oh oh! This was so not good. Seychelles had been the least affected by the vomit. But water making her dress translucent was a whole different kettle of fish.

"S-stop," she sputtered, "What are you trying to do, you idiot? This is NOT going to help get us off your lawn. Call off your dog and turn off the stupid hose!"

Feliks didn't seem to have any intention of stopping and this really wasn't resolving anyone's problems. Seychelles leaped up from her position near Aidan and ran at Feliks, moving out of the way of the stream of water which was now, essentially drowning Aidan while the dog throttled him.

Seychelles figured that the guy was already mad at her (even though she had been trying to help), so she gritted her teeth and tackled him, knocking the hose out of his hands.


BABY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME! itshappyhour October 9 2009, 05:19:34 UTC

Wait, WHAT? That was all Aidan was able to process before Za rushed at him. -and, and, oh fuck, OH FUCK. What the hell was he going to do now? It’s all right, it’s all right- Aidan tried to console himself with the fact that he had his lucky charms. They would keep him safe! They always did! He let out undignified shrieks and screams as he was being shaken about, threw up a few extra times to boot before- wait, what was going on?

The next thing he knew, he was sucking in water while being fucking throttled.

“FUCK! YOU GUYS, I’M DYING HERE!” He managed to get out through much sputtering and choking and wheezing. He honestly hadn’t a clue what happened between that and where he was now-which was free from that psychotic killer dog’s grasp. ...but he was thankful. Very thankful. His lucky charms had saved the day again. He muttered thanks to his saviours none-too-quitely and adamantly swore expand his collection.


girl fight lol ponies_omg October 9 2009, 16:54:50 UTC
"Oh my God! Get off me!" Feliks screamed at Seychelles as he pushed her off. The last thing he wanted were for his neighbors to look out their windows and see a girl wrestling their gay neighbor (shirtless gay neighbor, no less) on his own front lawn. That and he was totally going to have like, tons of grass stains on his pants now thanks to that tackling.

Feliks jumped to his feet. "I was just like, trying to clean them off, OK? God. I'm like, so sorry if it splashed on you too," he yelled. He glanced up and noticed Aidan had managed to wriggle himself free of Za's grasp. "You! Come here and like, let me wash you off, 'k?"


And one of us is topless!~ XD island_maiden October 10 2009, 18:12:54 UTC
"Are you kidding me?" Seychelles asked dumbfounded. "There were a lot of ways that made sense to deal with that situation. That was not one of them. No where close."

Seychelles paused. Did this guy always talk like a sixteen year old girl?

"Also, you whispered die. That doesn't sound so good to me."


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