Will you be my flanking partner?

May 03, 2012 00:41

Who: Ludwig and Alfred
When: May 2nd, late afternoon.
Where: Millennium Comics
What: Nothing like a little character creation to get the ball rolling on what will be the GREATEST DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS PARTY OF ALL TIME!

The store was really starting to pick up with school coming to a close and summer looming. With the AC cranked and a cool basement to hide away in, Millennium Comics was becoming a hot spot (ironic) for people to just sit. The Avengers was helping create a little more buzz for the more mainstream crowds and Al was more than happy to point them in the direction of the Marvel section and let them have at the rows upon rows of comics.

Alfred had been neglecting his blog in favour of Skyrim, sunshine and the new Mass Effect but he figure it was time you checked it and good God he had a lot of things to reply to! One in particular stuck out, the new German guy who was lookin' to meet up. It was about 3m and Al messaged him back and soon they had some weird brodate set up and Luddy was gonna come see him at the store!

He waited impatiently, fingers tapping at the counter as he kept an eye on the door, waiting for someone to look lost and confused or something! That was a good point though- Lud had no idea what he looked like. Whatever! Things like this always worked out right? And besides, he could just ask every single person that walked in if they were a German looking for group.

The bell above the door rang and Alfred leaned over the counter to get a better look at the new arrival, grinning. "Hey! Welcome to Millennium Comics."

let's go on adventure, they call me... germanry, allons-y!, american dragon society, america, germany, where am i

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