Normally, I'd kick the shit out of him for hurting you

Feb 17, 2012 01:55

WHO: Sindre and 'Veta
WHEN: Backdated to sometime in January
WHERE: Starting at 'Veta's place, who know where they'll end up.
WHAT: Sindre might be an asshole, but his heart is in the right place.

Sindre had seen 'Veta's note about Gilbert shortly after it was posted. But in the holiday rush, it completely slipped his mind, and with 'Veta laying low, it was easy for him to forget completely.

And when Sindre realized how long it had been since he had fended off an attempt for 'Veta to meet Berwald so she could gush over his boyfriend, everything came rushing back. His attempts to contact her had been for naught. More drastic measures were needed.

Setting down his bribery bag, he pushed a handful of snow into a ball before ringing her bell. The moment she opened the door, he smashed the snowball on the top of her head.

i'm annoying you out of love, status: incomplete, hungary, shenanigans!, smile sunshine, norway, he's a complete douchenozzle

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