tonight, I just wanna cry

Feb 15, 2012 20:22

WHO: Elizaveta and Wilm
WHEN: December 27th, evening
WHERE: Wilm's house
WHAT: [backdated thread] What happens a few days after Gilbert leaves.

She didn't drive there, because she didn't trust herself to get back to her own house safely. Halfway during the taxi ride, Elizaveta wondered if she should have called, or at least texted Wilm before she decided to go to his house. Then the bottles clinked against each other in the large plastic bag beside her and she gave up on thinking. She entertained the thought of opening a bottle already, her fingers playing with the hem of her dress.

"I'm a mess," she whispered to herself with a little laugh. And in reality, she meant it. She had decided on her own to bring a ton of beer to Wilm's house in hopes of talking to someone. She didn't even know if he was at home. Still, Elizaveta had put on a nice dress and fixed her hair to go to his home. After all, it would be the first she would have seen anyone since Gilbert left. There were plenty of people she could have gone to but... she owed beer to Wilm. Perhaps if she brought enough, then he would let her stay.

She wouldn't be able to stand another second of being alone.

Putting on a strong face, Elizaveta breathed out shakily. The bottles clinked beside her. She felt like breaking into a thousand pieces.

Once they got there, she paid the taxi driver a healthy tip and heaved her plastic bag stocked full of alcohol out of the car. Ignoring the looks the people waiting in the lobby gave her, she pressed Wilm's apartment number hesitantly. When it connected, she bit her lip. For a split second, she wondered if this had been a mistake. She still had time to go back home.

But home was lonely.

"It's Liz." She blurted out, "I um, brought beer. Like I promised." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Please let me in."

status: incomplete, bromances can have girls too, love hurts, i need booze for this, saving is needed, eat your feelings, here have some comfort, talk to me bby, sad is sad, hungary, it's pronounced 'aww-ngst', let's talk about feeeelings~, you look like shit, tags are the spice of life, what are you doing here?, everybody loves wilm, netherlands, i swear to drunk i'm not god, gdi i hate christmas

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