Hitting on beautiful people in the uni cafeteria

Nov 04, 2011 17:44

Who: Heracles and Emiliana
Where: University cafeteria
When: Afternoon
What: What it says on the label

Usually, Heracles would have been deeply bored and ready for his afternoon nap at this point. However, on this particular day he had found something sufficiently interesting to keep his awake and alert. Or rather, someone. Someone with smooth tan skin and dark heavy curls and equally dark yet vibrant eyes... eyes that, unless Heracles was entirely mistaken, looked somewhat lonely.

He had seen her around the campus before, but this was the first time the occasion seemed right for making introductions. That is, he had been leaning on the wall opposite the cafeteria doors considering heading to class, when he spotted this lovely girl entering it, and saw her settle at a table alone. Class would have to do without him then, there were more important things to do.

Heracles stopped over the the counter to get a coffee (luckily there wasn't a long line), and then pretended to look over the tables before heading towards the as yet unknown girl's.

"Hey, mind if I join you?" he asked her, smiling.

greece, cafe bonding timez, status: incomplete, south mexico, dude likes cats... a lot

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