おかえり I'm home

Sep 26, 2011 19:49

Who: Kiku and Willem
When: late Sunday night
Where: Kiku's apartment
What: Willem is filled in on how Kiku's trip went

It was dark when he stirred again, confused as to where he was. It took a minute, as his eyes adjusted to the dark of his own bedroom, to remember that he was back home. The strong arms around his waist belonged to Willem. The fuzzy thing at his feet was Pochi. His mother was not in the next room, and he was not going to have to face another day of mourners who had no idea who he was.

Sitting half-way up, he tried to make out the numbers on the digital clock on his nightstand, but there was something blocking out half of the screen. 1....something. So it was anywhere between 10pm and 1am. Not that it made a lot of difference, really. People weren't supposed to wake up between either of those times regularly.

"I think," he said quietly to Willem, not wanting to wake him if he was not already, "I may be experiencing jet lag."

japan, status: complete, netherlands

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