And there ain't no right or wrong when we know it won't be long

Sep 16, 2011 12:59

Who: Ion, Kiku, Kai and Willem
When: Friday, September 16th, late afternoon
Where: The Royal Cafe
Why: Because sometimes, it's best not to shout through a cafe of bustling people that your boss's 'boytoy' has arrived.

It was the eve of his fantastic outing with Sindre to purchase party supplies that landed him in his current daydreaming state, the world drifting in and out around him without a stint of attention thrown its way. No, he was much more concerned with his baking, with his brewing up a fantastical image of what his birthday party would and could be. Kiku had informed him that there were a number of tiaras at the cafe he could put to good use, and--

Fuck if he wouldn't be the prettiest goddamn princess to have ever princess'ed on his birthday. Even if he was a man: that was what made it even more special.

His attention cracked back to reality when he heard the ever familiar sound of the door echoing throughout the kitchen, though it didn't stir his curiosity to go check. There were a number of butlers in house today as well as both managers, leaving him to his own baking devices to create whatever abomination he could think up. Though he would eventually come to regret not rushing to the aid of a very familiar Dutchman, as this story will soon tell.

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