Happy Birthday to you~

Jul 22, 2011 23:10

WHO: The van Peeters siblings + Remy
WHEN:  Thursday 21st July, about 7pm-ish
WHERE: The Waffle House
WHAT: Strange going ons or not, it's still Chloé's birthday.

"Loop snellere brudder!" Heike hissed, juggling two large tins as well as the bag containing his present, "U gaat het geschenk van schwëster wegens mij niet verwoesten." He had given up trying to stop this problem of his, hoping it would just...disappear...somehow. After a good half hour of tedious studying, he had sort of worked out how close someone could get before being jinxed and there was no way he was going to let Wilm get close enough for that to happen. Needless to say, it wasn't entirely going as he planned.

"You are doing this on purpose, aren't you?" He asked, stopping completely in his paranoid like attempt to keep the gap between himself and his brother. "I don't want to be the reason your present for schwëster is ruined! Keep walking!"

luxembourg, belgium, status: incomplete, netherlands, british virgin isles, !event: y2 anniversary

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