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klengebrudder July 13 2011, 20:23:07 UTC
Trying to suppress a yawn, Heike slowly made his way through the crowd of fellow passengers and busy bodies, trying his hardest not to have his suitcase banged out of his hand for the umpteenth time. Silently he cursed the airplane company for over booking the flight and forcing him to wait for another. Well, at least they hadn't placed his luggage on the plane when they decided to change his flight and everything was still accounted for.

Customs was tedious, though that might of had something to do with Heike's inability to stick to one language as he spoke to the woman. It took him a good five or ten minutes to realize (roughly after he had called her a Dabo) that he was doing that though.

Needless to say, the teen that eventually came through was one that, if he could find something soft to curl up on at that very moment and sleep then he would of jumped (or at least attempted to) at the chance. Glancing through the people waiting, he eventually spotted the spiked hair above most of the crowd...and his brother attached to it. With the minimum amount of courtesy he could get away with, Heike charged and danced round the people before arriving before his brother with a pout. "Aschgesiit! Ik ben vermoeid"


oranje_windmill July 13 2011, 20:51:29 UTC
The look Willem gave his brother was equal parts exasperated and fond.

"Goed om te zien." he replied, reaching out to take the suitcase from his brother's hand. "Ik heb een vriend te wachten buiten. Heb je meer bagage?."


klengebrudder July 13 2011, 21:20:55 UTC
For a moment, Heike stared blankly before realising what his brother meant, bowing his head and muttering his own greeting.

"Nee." He replied with a shake of the head before tightening his grip of the suitcase and travel bag (which was actually hiding one or two of Willem's things) over his shoulder. "Ik kan hen mezelf dragen!" He snapped, looking ashamed immediately afterwards."Droevig...zou wij zien uw vriend nu?"


oranje_windmill July 14 2011, 02:54:55 UTC
"Ik gok van de vlucht niet goed gaan."

Willem resisted the urges to roll his eyes and to ruffle his brother's hair. Despite how annoying his younger sibling could be at times, he really was glad to see him. Turning, he gestured for his brother to follow him towards the exit.

"Zijn naam is Sindre. Ik denk dat je hem wilt." He said, as they exited the building. Looking around, he spotted the Norwegian's pickup and waved before starting over.


talks_to_nisse July 14 2011, 03:42:24 UTC
Raising his hand, Sindre beckoned the two over. "You're Heike?" he asked as he opened the door to the back. "You can put your things in the back, or in the flatbed. Either's fine."

Turning, he held out his hand to Wilm's brother. "I'm Sindre."


klengebrudder July 14 2011, 07:28:51 UTC
"Niet zo veel de vlucht zoals het dat het wacht op." Heike explained, yawning loudly as he obediently followed his brother out of the building, "En u zegt altijd dat!" He yelled after him, struggling to keep up with his brother's longer strides.

He blinked at the pickup truck his friend had, nodding at his question and mentally reminding himself that he was speaking English as much as his brain wanted to stick to Dutch or fall back onto Luxembourgish. "Will it...uh...be safe in the flatbed?" He asked, tilting his head to look inside the vehicle. It looked rather comfy in there....comfy enough to... Letting go of his suitcase to cover his mouth as he yawned once more, he pulled the travel bag strap over his head before offering that hand to do Sindre. "Moie- I mean hello."


oranje_windmill July 15 2011, 16:46:27 UTC
Willem reached for his brother's bags again.

"They'll be fine."

He smirked then.

"And I'm ridding in the front, so that will give you more room in the back."


klengebrudder July 15 2011, 17:36:07 UTC
This time Heike didn't try to stop Willem from taking his things, even handing him his travel bag.

He scowled in response. "Aschlach! I'm not going to fall asleep on the way." He hissed before pouting at his brother. He wasn't going to fall asleep, no matter how tired he was or how comfortable it seemed in the car.

He yawned again.


talks_to_nisse July 16 2011, 06:37:41 UTC
Sindre smiled as he dropped the hatch for Wilm. "I have the tarp over the bed and everything," he told Heike. "Your luggage will be fine."

Coming around the side of the trunk in time to catch Heike's last yawn, Sindre couldn't help but smile again. Turning quickly to hide it, he opened the passenger door to get at the door to the back so the younger man could get in.

"I have plenty of loud music," he told them, nodding toward the case that held his metal collection. "If you want to stay awake."


oranje_windmill July 16 2011, 08:27:54 UTC
Willem climbed into the truck after his brother, giving him the backseat to himself. He wasn't sure if the younger man would fall asleep once the car got moving, but if he did it would be better if he had the space to himself.

He wondered idly how Heike would react to Sindre's taste in music. He himself had slowly gotten used to the loud, chaotic sounds that usually came from the Norweigan's speakers.


klengebrudder July 17 2011, 16:08:40 UTC
"Please." He said, sitting behind his brother and buckling up before giving a hesitant kick of the seat in front of him. The second kick was a bit harder. "Is the apartments far from here?" he asked, kicking the chair once more. Mum had said he was getting one near Wilm's...

His head drooped in sleep for a moment before shooting back up and giving the sit a harder kick than intended. "Feck!" He gasped as his foot protested in pain.


oranje_windmill July 17 2011, 17:11:16 UTC
The Dutchman jerked around to snap at his young sibling, but smirked when Heike cursed.

"That's what you get for being a blaag.

He turned back around in his seat, buckling himself in.

"Where are you living?"


klengebrudder July 17 2011, 19:18:59 UTC
Scowling, he kicked the seat again, with the other foot. "Stiech der den Fanger an den Uarsch an maach wei een Probeller!" He grumbled, rubbing his sore foot.

"Where?" He pulled out a bit of paper he had shoved into his pocket before the flight, " 1313 Ocean View Court...apartment 419...moeder said it should be near where you stay?" He said, kicking his brother's seat once more.


oranje_windmill July 17 2011, 19:41:51 UTC
Willem stilled, then turned around to face his brother with his mouth slightly open. A little voice inside his head pipped up and remarked, dryly if unhelpfully, that at least this was better from having him the next room over.

"You're next door," he replied. "And stop kicking my seat."


talks_to_nisse July 17 2011, 19:54:12 UTC
"Oi, children," Sindre barked, smirk curling at his lips. "I'm not above smacking you both if you don't behave."


oranje_windmill July 17 2011, 19:59:52 UTC
Willem wiped his head around.

"He started it," he replied, then felt the tips of his ears go red as he realized how childish he'd just sounded. Turning back around, he settled in his seat.

"I guess we're going back to my place then."


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