So on a scale from one to America-

Jul 04, 2011 22:30

Who: Alfred and Ivan
When: The night of July 4th.
Where: Down near the beach.
What: To get over the awkwardness of making out in a comic shop for fangirls, Alfred and Ivan attempt a dinner as gamers and nothing else.

When Alfred and Matthew returned home from their trip to West Ed, they opened the door to find a Russian sitting on their couch, Kuma at his feet, asleep, currently having his stomach rubbed by Ivan. As soon as Matthew said something, the dog rolled onto his stomach, staring at them before barrelling towards his master, barking happily. Alfred managed to dodge the big ball of fur, walking over to Ivan, yawning slightly, thanking him and starting to reach for his wallet.

Ivan declined immediately, saying it was a favour for Matthew and every politeness lesson his mother, grandmother, aunt and father had tried to ram into his head came to the forefront of his mind.

"I'm taking you for dinner." Alfred said, putting his wallet away, dumping his dufflebag on the ground and heaving the Russian's arm up. Mostly he was hungry and didn't want to drag Matthew along and Ivan was a pretty good reason. Slipping by his brother as the dog continued to buffet him with affection, Alfred scooped up his helmet and had Ivan outside their apartment in the next few seconds.

He paused, letting go of the Russian's wrist, smiling weakly. "Unless you wanna go home... But-" He smirked a little. "-Ha! Actually, you have to come to dinner with me! And you have to treat me to my first drink here!"

status: incomplete, a non-date date, russia, america

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