But they won't tell anyone about this -- No, no, no.

Jul 04, 2011 21:29

Who: Kai and Kiku
When: Tuesday, July 5th, mid morning
Where: The Royal Cafe
What: The recent discovery of a certain relationship demands that details be given.

A quick glance at the clock gave him the sorrowful news that it had only been three minutes since the last time he checked. 09:45 became 09:48 with little excitement save a saddened look from the cafe's baker, hanging onto the counter as those they were the waning shreds of his sanity. Only twelve minutes left, he hoped. Just twelve.

Seconds and minutes were hesitant to clock by, passing much like honey from the base of an empty jar, just slowly running it's course and driving him up the wall. He had tried to rope information from Wilm the night earlier with some success (and debated sending a text, but it seemed too late -- though that hardly stopped him from shooting one off at the ass crack of early), and instead left him to stew in internal turmoil about the hows, whens and whys of this recent relationship, one that had skirted by with a lack of detection on the part of the Dane. Kiku certainly hadn't dropped any hints there were something more to the state of things. He had known they were long time friends and enjoyed one another's company, but..

Well, it really wasn't a damn bit of his business save that he was nosy and a not-so-closeted hopeless romantic. But towards something that made his boss happy, his dear 'brother' happy, it was exciting to say the very least. With a lack of the finer details within his reach Kai could only invent the impossible with little finesse, an overactive imagination to fuel delusions of a great romance as he went through his daily motions.

He had done well enough to see that most of the pastries were proofed and baked within the first two hours, knowing Kiku well enough that he wouldn't be so terrible late after the Dane. The breads would always take a bit longer in the proof box, allowing him a decent portion of time to fabricate a new flavor of cake or cookie to coincide with the already daily allotment. Today's experiment: an Utrecht's sweetheart cake, laden with strips of candied fruit peel and whole almonds.

If it wasn't obvious what was stuck on his mind by the cake alone then goddamn, he didn't know what would be.

why hello there, what are personal boundaries?, japan, status: incomplete, baking is manry, why do you want to know?, fristaden christiania, baking time is bonding time, describe yourself in five words or less, awkwardness: i has it

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