Can't think of a good title

Jun 24, 2011 13:55

Who: Nico and Chloe + a crew of fat and sweaty drunken men
When: 23rd, 9:32 PM
Where: A docked airship near a shanty tavern
What: Chloe brings out her adventurous side and explores an airship in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, the drunken and smelly crew is going back to their ship! Catwoman to the rescuuue.

The night was dark, for only a sliver of the moon was out that night. Nicoleta was doing the usual wandering. She was occasionally stealing and flirting with beautiful men. Then she became bored and decided to not do anything interactive anymore. Instead, she made herself comfortable on a high mast of an airship, at least fifty feet from the ground. She had no fear, rather, she was smoking her pipe as her slender legs were crossed over the other.

A plume of gray escaped from her lips and ghosted to one side. Her cat stared at her almost ominously as its tail hypnotically swayed from side to side. The cat then looked down. "What is it Gigi? You're all alert all of the sudden."

Nicoleta looked down to discern a figure of a person. It wasn't a member of the crew because it was... a rather well-dressed girl. Another brave wanderer, she supposed. Not too far behind this strange girl was the loud and rowdy crew mates walking towards the airship. She raised her brow in interest as she sucked on the mouth of her pipe.  The moment the girl stepped in the airship, the prospect of her being harassed or even worse was imminent. Caught by curiosity's trap.

"Oh no... this isn't going to be good." Nicoleta mused aloud in a monotone voice.

belgium, status: incomplete, i'm the real hero here, saving is needed, fight fight fight fight!, !event: steampunk, i can haz friends?, romania

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