
Jun 24, 2011 11:00

Who: Toris the tinker-er and Lili the Mechanic
When: Friday the 24th, afternoon .
Where: Where all of Lili's best ideas come from, aka her tiny military abode. 
What: The mechanic needs help and the tinker-er may be able to provide some assistance and some friendly chatter for once.

 Not one of mechanic Lili's ideas had made it passed the blueprint stages before it became a crumpled mess and an addition to the pile that lay stacked in her nearby waste receptacle.  Frankly, she didn't think her military mind was worthy of much more than trash at that point. Each of the blueprints detailed a plan that was widely varied from the one before it; only creating an example of her scatterbrained state. She knew she needed help, but she was far too shy to ask. Fortunately for her, she had a friend,

The tiny, military-funded, apartment was in organized chaos. As much of a mess as her work-space was, she still managed to keep the place up to the standards that had been set. After all, there really was no room for anything else.

At the present moment, the young woman sat at her desk, a loud clock ticking by the second stationed at the corner. She hadn't been sleeping well and thought for a moment of scooting her chair back the two feet it took to fall back onto the couch that presently served as her bed. Lili was expecting a guest though...and just like that it hit her. Jumping up from her seat, she made to pick up any and all of the parts, prints and pieces that  lay strayed about the area. What an embarrassing mess. 

!event: steampunk, lithuania, liechtenstein

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