This is how we do it.

Jun 23, 2011 01:01

Who: Emi and Sindre
When: 22 June, After hours
Where: Emi's restaurant
What: Two old friends catching up.

Dropping down from the roof, Sindre took stock of the restaurant in front of him. The only light came from the kitchen, and there were hardly any people milling about.

Looked like he timed it right. Closed, but Emi was still in.

He'd just been wandering around the city since his run-in with Berwald. Truth was, he didn't know what to think about it. But trying not to think about it didn't help any either.

And when he realized he'd wandered near her place, he changed course for it. He and Emi went way back, to when he found a scared set of twins huddled on the street. And he always had trouble ignoring kids that put him in mind of his brother.

They'd somehow stayed alive and close over the years, something Sindre was always glad for. No matter how much she tried to rile him over his job.

He rapped the door a couple of times--Emi'd smacked him 'cross the head with a spoon last time he just let himself in after hours--and waited to get let in.

mexico, status: incomplete, !event: steampunk, norway

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