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salylimon June 23 2011, 05:43:44 UTC
A quick glance of her pocket watch and out the large windows of her restaurant told Emi that she still had a good half hour or so before the lingering bits of twilight would soon vanish. Surely that would be enough time for her to run a quick errand. She needed a few more yards of fabric to make new tablecloths for her apartment. And, considering the small number of people currently eating, the petite woman figured she could leave them in the capable hands of her assistance-slash-waiter.

Once she had enough money, she'd need to move her restaurant elsewhere. And hire more help. Two people (and Abby if Emi could manhandle her into helping) was not enough to run a growing business.

Stuffing her pocket watch back into the pocket of her worn but still comfortable jacket, Emi hurried out the door. While twilight was still on her side before the streets would be shrouded in nothing but darkness and the eerie glow of gas lights, the fabric shoppe would be closing in some ten or fifteen minutes.

And, in her haste to hurry out, Emi found herself running into what she dimly registered as a broad bodied male as she stumbled back, not even ten feet away from her restaurant.

Fighting back a slight grumble, she looked up, ignoring the sudden buzz of recognition in the back of her mind as she offered the tall man an apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to run into you just now-"


oranje_windmill June 24 2011, 00:38:47 UTC
He almost dropped the lighter when the other person ran into him, although luckily he hadn't gotten his pipe out so it wasn't in danger. He turned to give the other person what for, and stopped when he came face to face with a lovely women.

"It's alright," he said instead, concentrating on trying to remember where he had seen those dark brown eyes and that strong yet soft facial structure.

"But...do I know you?"

He was sure he wouldn't have forgotten a woman that beautiful.


salylimon June 24 2011, 07:20:19 UTC
"Still, I'm really so-" The sudden question caused Emi to pause mid-apology, head tilting back a bit more to get a better look at the man she had all but smashed into. She was silent for a moment, brow furrowed somewhat and lips pursed as she took in the colour of his his and eyes, only to shift her gaze a bit lower.

It didn't take long before she was suddenly bombarded with memories some six or seven years old. Memories of her doing everything in her power to keep from being married off, of feeling herself drowning beneath the weight of long bustled skirts, tight corsets and unwanted curls. Memories that she wished hadn't been sparked by someone capable of dragging her back.

Shaking her head once she felt her poker face to be perfect, Emi offered the blonde a small, bemused smile. "I think you're confusing me for someone else, sir," she replied lightly, inwardly hoping that the man - Willem - wouldn't connect her, her in her shorter dress, worn boots, and tousled hair, to the sullen teenager he once, albeit briefly, knew.


oranje_windmill June 24 2011, 07:52:48 UTC
He shook his head at her remark, intrigued by the split second flash of recognition before she'd assumed a look of innocent.

"No, I recognize you, I just don't know...."

His eyes shifted over her features, and were drawn down to the lips that were shaping a smile that was trying to look innocent. And the pieces clicked. It had been about 6 or 7 years, but he'd become rather well acquainted with that mouth.



salylimon June 24 2011, 20:33:05 UTC
Emi inwardly swore as she felt herself involuntarily tense at the utterance of her name. Her smile thinned somewhat as she shook her head again, taking a wary step back from the blonde. It was rude, Emi knew, as Willem had never done anything to really incur this sudden uneasiness. If anything, the hope that she had deluded herself into believing these last few years had been indirectly shattered by his sudden reappearance in her life, even if the blonde new nothing of it.

All these considered, of course, seeing as she had sought out his help for escaping all those aforementioned years ago.

But running into nobility more often all but upped the possibility of running into the very same people she had left behind.

"I'm running late. I need to go," she mumbled, glancing around the tall and imposing man in front of her for the quickest escape route.


oranje_windmill June 25 2011, 19:15:35 UTC
"No wait, it is you isn't it." he said as he stepped to further block her way.

He studied her as he did so, noting all the ways in which she had changed from the girl he had known so long ago. She was thinner then he remembered, her features more defined. Her style of dress was much more practical then the ones she'd worn as nobility, much less frilly and lacy and more worn and comfortable looking.

She had been a beautiful girl, and now that she'd grown into a beautiful woman.

At least, she probably was when she wasn't looking at him like she thought he just might drag her off somewhere.

"It's good to see you well."


salylimon June 25 2011, 19:27:38 UTC
"I-" Emi faltered, idly wondering how rude it would be to kick him, childishly, in the shins and make a run for it. But she resisted, fighting back the lump of fear in her throat as her hand shot out, fingers wrapping around his wrist as she gave a slight tug.

"Can we-" A brief squeeze. "Can we catch up some place else? Please Willem?"


oranje_windmill June 25 2011, 19:51:00 UTC
"Sure," he told her. He was puzzled, but allowed himself to be led. As they set off down the sidewalk, he reflected that it almost seemed she didn't want to be seen with him.

And then realized why that might be.

"I'm not here to drag you back kicking and screaming." he told her. "I'm just glad to see an old friend alive and well."


salylimon June 25 2011, 20:16:15 UTC
Perhaps a secluded alley was not the best choice for a conversation, at least not for a quote-unquote respectable woman and gentleman, but Emi could care less at the moment.

Leaning back against the brick wall of one one of the buildings shielding them from view, she lifted her head to stare up at him, arms crossed over her chest and hips cocked to one side. "Glad to see you're doing well, too," she mumbled, gaze lowered for a brief moment before she finally offered the man a small, sincere smile. "And I hope you're not. I'd rather not have to hurt you, querido."

From her position against the wall and with Willem standing some few feet away from her was, once again, bringing back memories. Memories that were not necessarily bad, if one ignored the reason why Willem was there, but that she, as aforementioned, had not bothered to think about for quite some time.


They were at another party. A party bustling with pompous pricks and pretentious women that seemed to make it a hobby of glancing at Emiliana with carefully hidden looks of disdain. Granted, she was probably overreacting, as she had in fact met some polite noblewomen and noblemen at the ball. But regardless, she was not comfortable. Not comfortable being here after failed attempts at trying to break an engagement to her cousin's horrible albino friend.

Of course, said friend had joined her in breaking up their engagement but recruiting Francis, in the end, hadn't been the smartest idea, as Emiliana found herself on the verge of wanting to strangle the blonde more than once.

Fighting back a sigh of annoyance, she turned, long bustled skirt rustling quietly as she slipped out of the large ballroom. She paused for a moment before inwardly shrugging as she began to absently walk down the long and dimly lit hallway, wondering if she could perhaps spend the rest of the night outside in the garden before it was time to go. If, of course, she could figure out how to find her way out without an escort.


oranje_windmill June 28 2011, 02:58:05 UTC
He'd stepped outside for a few moments to smoke, and to get away from the boring company. The party was filled with the same vapid women and puffed up men that were at every party, and he planned to stay for only as long as decency insisted he had to.

As he made his way back to the ballroom, his attention was caught by a young woman coming towards him from the other end of the hall. She was beautiful, and seemed to be looking around her as if she was trying to find something.

"Lost?" he asked.


salylimon June 28 2011, 04:15:28 UTC
Startled at both the sudden inquiry and appearance of a rather tall young man. She faltered, briefly, inching herself closer against the gilded wall as she was quick to realize how inappropriate the situation would be were someone to stumble in. Of course, it seemed as though the blonde was a bit concerned over her being seemingly lost, but it would still be very inappropriate.

Wait a minute.

Emiliana paused. Maybe she could-?

No, no. She couldn't. While the man seemed vaguely familiar, if only by appearance, it did not mean she could lure in some hapless and unsuspecting victim to help her succeed in breaking off her engagement.


Shaking her head, Emiliana lowered her gaze as a faint, flustered blush appeared on her cheeks. "Not exactly," she said after a moment. "I just stepped out for fresh air but I cannot seem to remember how to find the way to the garden anymore."


oranje_windmill June 28 2011, 05:00:00 UTC
He watched as color came into the young woman's cheeks. He smiled reassuringly at her.

"I just came from there. I can show you, if you want."


salylimon June 28 2011, 05:03:31 UTC
"Really?" Emiliana asked, a grateful smile coming to her lips as she hesitantly pushed herself away from the wall she had been leaning against. The sound of her heels and the rustling noise of her dress echoed around them as she slowly walked toward the blonde.

She tilted her head back, appreciative smile widening the slightest bit. "Lead the way, uhm-?" Her smile turned sheepish, unsure of what to call the man.


oranje_windmill June 28 2011, 05:14:12 UTC
His smile got a bit bigger in response to her's, and he slid his arm through hers as he led the way to the garden.

"Willem. Willem Van Peeters. And you would be?"


salylimon June 28 2011, 05:23:23 UTC
"Emiliana Guadalupe de León, from the Carriedo family," Emiliana responded lightly, mentally patting herself on the back for not grimacing at the admittance. There was a brief moment of tenseness at the sudden closeness of their bodies as they walked, but Emiliana found herself relaxing slowly at the feeling.

"Are you taking a break from the party, Sir Van Peeters?" She asked politely, glancing up at him as they walked.


oranje_windmill June 28 2011, 06:14:13 UTC
"I was, but I'm not opposed to extending it. Especially if I have company."

He felt the way she tensed when they got close, and so tried to maintain a respectful distance. He didn't let go of her arm, however, and was glad to feel her relaxing into the touch.

"And call me Willem."

They had reached the top of the stairs leading to the back door of the mansion. From here it would be easy to simply instruct her. But since he thought her pretty, and because she was someone he hadn't yet been bored with, he kept his hand on her arm and escorted her down the stairs. As he did, he asked how she knew the owners of the house.


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