If I'm going to continue working for you,

Jun 20, 2011 19:44

Who: Toris and Sindre
Where: Toris' workshop
When: Monday 20th, late evening
What: The Blond Thief comes to make a request and ends up getting one in return. 
may I at least have something to call you by? )

!event: steampunk, getting to knooooow you, status: complete, i can haz friends?, lithuania, norway, tech support

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talks_to_nisse June 21 2011, 04:20:25 UTC
"Hei," Sindre called out as he entered. He wasn't discomforted by the fact Toris didn't turn to him; in fact, it made him respect the man a bit more. He'd rather pay a man who was more focused on the work than the money he might get from it.

Settling against the counter, Sindre watched the tinkerer. He wondered what it would be like, being able to make something like that. Put it all together and know that it existed only because you brought it into existence.

He immediately chased the thought away. If he had time to waste on such foolishness, he wasn't doing what he ought.


toris_tori June 21 2011, 04:31:15 UTC
Recognizing the voice, Toris' head made a slight move in the direction of its' source but didn't make it all the way to turning around. Instead he reached for another tool (a smaller pair of tweezers) to remove excess parts that were clogging the machine. Whoever had asked him to fix this had not taken good care of their property, that was for sure. People who did not take the time to care for their machines disappointed the Tinkerer.

"Ah, Blond Thief." His voice was casual though the nickname he'd bestowed upon the other seemed cruel, it was filled with no animosity or contempt. "What do you have for me?" Blond Thief's visits were rarely just for pleasure, usually they were followed by a project. Not that Toris minded, since they were always pretty interesting.


talks_to_nisse June 21 2011, 09:07:07 UTC
"Nothing interesting today, I'm afraid," he told the other man, setting his bundle down on the counter. Inside was an old, much used structure, one of the first Toris had ever made for him.

It wasn't anything fancy, just something that let one get from one high place to another without having to go to the ground; Sindre didn't know a name for it. "This part's been slippin' on me, and almost cost me my neck last time," he said, pointing out the bit that ought to hold the line steady.

He gave Toris a bit of a grin. "Though if you wanted to make it more fun, I wouldn't say no to you adding some way to attach a bag to it."


toris_tori June 21 2011, 16:49:40 UTC
"Must have been putting it to good use." Blond Thief wasn't one to mistreat the equipment he was given, more like to use it often enough that it wore down. Finishing his last fix-it job, he snapped the last bit into place and watched it whirl to life with a small smile of satisfaction playing on his features. He set it aside and took off the glasses, finally turning to face his visitor.

Catching the grin, he returned with a half-smile in return, "I'll see what I can do about the addition." Taking the grappling hook he began to inspect it. Just as he thought, the thin metal attaching to the hook was wearing down. He began to detach the hook from the small hand-held machine that gave it momentum to attach to something far away.

Glancing up after a moment he told the other, "If you don't have anywhere pressing to be, you can feel free to look around and see if you'd like something for later." That in and of itself said something, Toris trusted few (read: almost no one) to wander around his shop unsupervised.


talks_to_nisse June 21 2011, 19:04:43 UTC
Nodding, Sindre began poking around Toris' completed projects. More than once such ventures had provided him with ideas for some new useful tool. He was examining something that looked to be a large funnel connected with a sieve when a thought struck him.

"Your cousin ever make it by?" he asked somewhat idly. He'd promised Raivis no big jobs until he got a chance to talk with Toris a time or two, and he'd been curious to know how these two got along.


toris_tori June 21 2011, 19:35:55 UTC
In the middle of opening one of his many drawers to fish out another thin rope, getting ready to detach it from the rest of its companions, Toris paused in the middle of his work but didn't turn to face the other, "....Cousin?" his tone was half questioning, hoping he'd heard wrong.

He quickly went back to work, though is movements weren't as smooth as before.


talks_to_nisse June 21 2011, 22:51:17 UTC
It took a minute to carefully scan his memories, to make sure that Raivis had mentioned telling Toris his real name, before he responded.

"Y'know. Your cousin. Raivas," Sindre repeated, careful to keep his grammar somewhat decent. "He's been talking about wanting to drop by for a visit."


toris_tori June 22 2011, 00:34:07 UTC
"Ah....he did come by." His attempt to sound casual came out more strained and forced than anything. He knew fairly well that Raivis was still on about them being related, him having told the other was something new. Finally getting the rope untangled from the pack, he used a little more force than necessary and it snapped back, hitting him in the forearm and Toris flinched. Glancing down at the quickly reddening mark he sighed inwardly, that was going to be irritating to work with later on.

Setting it down a little more carefully he began to work the rope back into place, hoping that Blond Thief would take the hint and go back to window shopping.


talks_to_nisse June 22 2011, 00:40:30 UTC
Sindre nodded. "Good," he said simply. "He seemed like it was a big deal for him."

Sindre didn't ask, but his tone clearly said that if it was something Sindre should know about as the leader of the crew, Toris had better cough it up.


toris_tori June 22 2011, 00:49:33 UTC
"Ah." Toris caught the tone, he wasn't an idiot. But he also wasn't part of the other's 'crew', he may work with them on occasion, but it was still a moot point. "I see." His tone was slightly flat and though he still responded, it left no opening to comment.

This wasn't exactly a conversation he felt the need to keep going, in fact he would feel not at all said if it stopped there and he could work in peace. Fingering the rope the began to knot it into place of the hook, as well as detaching the old one from the machinery that shot it.


talks_to_nisse June 22 2011, 01:08:13 UTC
"Look," Sindre said, a bit of temper creeping into his tone. "If it's a family thing, yeah, ain't my business. But if it's something that's gonna affect Raivis, then yeah, it is. 'Cause I have a vested interest in the well bein' of my crew, and I ain't gonna take it well if one gets hurt. Got it?"


toris_tori June 22 2011, 01:20:21 UTC
"Why on earth would you think I'm hurting him?" He wouldn't hurt Raivis, not on purpose anyway. He found the smaller man likable enough and Toris could even see himself getting along with him...if he hadn't decided from the moment he barged into his life that they were cousins. So far he couldn't see any gain for the other, Toris was a Tinkerer, not a rich Noble, so it couldn't be for money.

And ever since he started working for Blond Thief and his 'crew', there seemed to be no shaking the other off.


talks_to_nisse June 22 2011, 01:30:09 UTC
"Didn't say I thought it was you," Sindre shot back. "Just if'n there is, that one might tell family but might not tell others."


toris_tori June 22 2011, 01:37:34 UTC
"He seems to do the telling for the both of us just fine," was the muttered and inaudible reply. Toris began attaching the rope back into the machine, irritated that he wasn't able to find comfort in a task that would usually calm his nerves. He raised his voice slightly before adding, "Since he seems attached to this idea of us being 'family', I suppose I'll let you know if anything is truly wrong."

Maybe that would pacify the blond.


talks_to_nisse June 22 2011, 03:51:11 UTC
Sindre grinned at that. "I'll hold you to that," he promised Toris, tone just a little bit triumphant.


toris_tori June 22 2011, 04:03:25 UTC
Toris gave the other a level look, slightly irritated at that response, "I don't know why you'd need me to tell you. It's your crew that I'm barely involved in except to make these," He held up the nearly finished grappling hook as a visual example. As almost an afterthought he added,

"And who I'm not even allowed to know the names of."

Still feeling tricked and not at all pleased about it, Toris turned back to his work.


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