The Man of Many Faces

Jun 20, 2011 19:20

Who: Yao and Alfred
When: June 21st, Tuesday late afternoon
Where: The Wang residence
What: Mind games are so terribly enjoyable.

So nice of you to join me, Mr. Jones. )

what are personal boundaries?, status: incomplete, please don't kill me, awkwardness: i has it, ust, !event: steampunk, america, china

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Comments 27

waitforsuperman June 21 2011, 00:34:06 UTC
Alfred did not like working for Mr. Wang.

At all.

There wasn't much choice in the matter, in the end, Alfred would have to do it either way because, lucky him, he'd picked the wrong colonel to suck up to.

Which is why now, he was forced to wait in the much-too-neat entrace way, looking at the fish swimming around in a large tank, doing his best not to leave smudges before another servant appeared and told him to go right on it.

And immediately, he was being told off.

So it was one of those meetings.

"I'm sorry," He said, taking his hat off, bowing his head lightly. "I had a meeting with the Madame. Duty comes before your ventures, Yao."


binilao_aru June 21 2011, 00:53:07 UTC
Placing the report down, Yao glanced Alfred's way.

So that's how he wanted it.

With another wave, the remaining staff left the room in silence, leaving the two of them alone. Only then did he allow a smirk to grace his features.

"I would watch that tongue of yours, Alfred. From what I know, it got you into this mess in the first place."

The innuendo was blunt, but the light smirk helped to get the point across.


waitforsuperman June 21 2011, 01:37:29 UTC
Alfred knew his face was heating up. Barely a minute in and the man already had him cornered.

"I don't see why I'm the one being punished," He said, keeping his tone even and pleasant while behind his back his fingers were twisting his hand, hands balled into fists. "The Colonel's the one who's your friend. I'm just a lowly pilot."

His fingers paused. "Unless all of this is really about the Colonel?" The blue eyes flickered up to the merchant's. "Did I steal something from you, Yao?"

This little statment was followed with a small smile to match Yao's.


binilao_aru June 21 2011, 02:12:43 UTC
And here, Yao did something he knew was completely unacceptable.

He laughed.

"My, my Mr. Jones. You are certainly quite bold to assume such a thing! However, that phase is over and done with, so you won't have to worry about me stealing anything back. Ivan is a good friend of mine, but that's where our relationship ends."

He knew keeping this man around was a good idea. How long has it been since he had this much fun with another?

Besides the fact that Yao knew oh so well how much this antagonized the Colonel, but Alfred didn't need to know that.


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