The Man of Many Faces

Jun 20, 2011 19:20

Who: Yao and Alfred
When: June 21st, Tuesday late afternoon
Where: The Wang residence
What: Mind games are so terribly enjoyable.


With a wave, Yao sent the servant away and kept track of the report in his hands. As much as he would like to express his displeasure at being kept waiting, it was necessary to keep his image intact or someone was bound to complain to him later about maintaining the family name and drone on and on and on about it... Besides, he still had work to do and whatever the case was, the pilot was here now. Not to mention the fact that he should have a decent excuse, seeing that he worked for the military.

Eyes still on the paper, he made sure to speak loud and clear for Alfred to hear. After all, he still had his words to use.

"Tardiness is not appreciated, Mr. Jones."

what are personal boundaries?, status: incomplete, please don't kill me, awkwardness: i has it, ust, !event: steampunk, america, china

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