When it comes to Conspiracies....

Sep 15, 2009 21:12

Who: Francis, Ivan
When: September 15, Early Morning
Where: Outside, The Coffee Shop tables
What: Well, there was always something strange about most of Ivan's patients coming from Francis....

Francis slipped into a seat just outside the Coffee Shoppe, drumming his fingers against the white table and looking about for his...accomplice, one could say. He only had a few hours before he had to be at work, and he hoped that the person would arrive soon and they could get the needed arrangements done as soon as possible.

When it came to things like these, Francis always felt as someone was watching him, observing his every move....Or it could be just the person he was working with, the tall, Russian therapist known as Ivan Braginsky. Maybe it was just a mixture of both, shady dealings with scary people.

Francis glanced at his watch. Ivan should be here any moment, and then their deal could be arranged in about half an hour. After that, he would only have to worry about his...target. Then he'd be free to go on his merry way...until the next meeting, at least, where the process would repeat all over again. The very thought made him a bit nervous. "Come on Ivan....hurry....." He muttered, as if it would make the therapist appear right then and there.

france, status: complete, it's all just a coincidence!, russia

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