Of Dog Walks and Shared Umbrellas

May 25, 2011 19:47

Who: Willem and Kiku.
When: Wednesday, May 25, around 5
Where: On a sidewalk somewhere between the Winchester and Kiku’s apartment
What: Willem takes an early shift at the bar, and on his way home he runs into Kiku, Pochi, and their umbrella.

And then they both get hit upside the head with the clue bat. )

adorable is how we roll, japan, oh god what just happened?, swing and a miss, awkwardness: i has it, old oranje, moe moe times, a non-date date, that was unintentional i promise, this is normal shit, and remember: don't fuck it up, status: complete, how now brown cow, pochi-kun, everybody loves wilm, is that a rocket in your pocket?, netherlands, romantic dipshits

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mystiklsushi May 26 2011, 01:41:29 UTC
Kiku turned, a little surprised to see Willem at this hour, but he smiled nontheless. Pochi's reaction was to bounce as far as his leash would take him, balancing up on two stubby legs to try and reach his second-most favorite person in the world.

"This is a surprise...shouldn't you be at work?"


oranje_windmill May 26 2011, 02:00:59 UTC
When he caught up with the two, he bent down to pet the dog. He couldn't help but chuckle when this made Pochi so happy his whole hind end began to wag.

There was something comforting about being able to count on the fact that something living was always happy to see you. Standing up, he looked over at the other living being he could say that about.

"Opened today. Just got done."


mystiklsushi May 26 2011, 02:12:32 UTC
"I wish I could say the same," he chuckled ruefully. "I feel as if I am saying this entirely too often lately, but...the cafe is understaffed this week. Ion had a family emergency of sorts, so I'm between shifts."

He watched Pochi dance little circles, begging for more attention from the two men.

"I feel bad, leaving him alone so often lately."


oranje_windmill May 26 2011, 02:29:59 UTC
Willem grimaced.

"Then I'm glad I caught you."

When Pochi put his paws on the Dutchman's leg, he picked the dog up to rub his ears without having to bend down.

"I could come by and let him out sometimes."


mystiklsushi May 26 2011, 02:47:48 UTC
"I don't want to impose. Especially if you're busy."

Pochi lolled his tongue happily, practically in heaven. And then the first raindrops started to spatter the sidewalk.

"Ah...I was afraid it would start before we could get home," he sighed, popping open his umbrella. Once he noticed Willem was not doing the same, he realized that the other had not at all been prepared for rain. Holding his umbrella higher, he shuffled over to try and cover his friend as well. "Where were you headed?"


oranje_windmill May 26 2011, 19:11:04 UTC
Willem scowled up at the sky, and took the umbrella from Kiku's hand so the other man wasn't having to stretch to cover them both. His hands warped partially around other man's as he closed his hand around the handle, and he busied himself with a response to cover up the fact that he had noticed how warm the skin was.

"Bus stop. But I'll walk with you at least to your apartment, to make use of the umbrella."


mystiklsushi May 27 2011, 00:56:59 UTC
Kiku traded the umbrella for the dog, mentally berating himself for the flutter of his heart over a casual touch. And again for the thoughts that crept into his mind after.

This was not an umbrella date.

He wasn't quite sure where that thought had come from, because he certainly did not view Willem in that way. They were friends.

"Sorry to put you so far out of your way..."


oranje_windmill May 27 2011, 17:48:29 UTC
Willem shrugged.

"It's not too far. And I'll get less wet."

He handed the puppy back to the other man, switching arms so he could better hold the umbrella over them both.

"Besides, I have time before it gets here. It'll be nice to have company."


mystiklsushi May 27 2011, 18:21:08 UTC
"I can't argue with that," he smiled. Strange thoughts aside, Willem was always, and had always been very good company. Kiku wasn't about to ruin that for himself by letting himself react to every little thing like a teenage girl. He adjusted the squirming puppy in his arms, settling him with a few light bounces.

"I'm willing to share my umbrella if you're willing to share your company."


oranje_windmill May 28 2011, 01:38:12 UTC
Willem nodded, giving the puppy once last scratch between the ears before the two set off toward the Japanese man's apartment.

As the rain started to come down harder, Willem moved a bit closer to the other man. He hadn't checked the weather report before leaving for work, so he was glad he'd run into his friend before he'd had to stand in it too long.

"Have you thought of hiring extra help?" he asked, continuing the earlier conversation. "Just for the summer so you're not always so over run?"


mystiklsushi May 28 2011, 16:53:45 UTC
"I've been looking at it, but with school ending for the summer, the few new employees I've taken on are already not enough. I'd rather spend more time than give up on quality of staff...but I suppose I'm going to have to give in and hire on a few more new recruits." He moved easily at Willem's side, avoiding many quickly forming puddles, though it was already coming down hard enough to have soaked through the cuffs of his pants.

"I'm starting to forget what it is like to have a full day away from work."


oranje_windmill May 28 2011, 18:02:28 UTC
"If you can get by without compromising, then there's nothing wrong with that."

It was what made the cafe so good in his opinion (which was backed by the reviews he'd read online). Being served by a cute girl in a cute outfit was all well and good, but it wasn't enough if they relied on their looks to compensate for poor service.

"But I hate seeing you worn out."

He smirked then.

"I'd offer to help, but I'm pretty sure I'm not what you're looking for."


mystiklsushi May 29 2011, 02:10:58 UTC
Kiku chuckled.

"You know, I have extended the service list to include butlers. One of those uniforms might suit you very well."

He paused, letting the idea sink in a moment while hiding a little smirk of his own.

"Though from what I hear, you wouldn't want me as your boss. According to more than one member of staff, I'm 'crazy strict' and something of a slave driver."


oranje_windmill May 29 2011, 04:20:00 UTC
Willem smirked.

"I'm pretty sure I could handle you. Although we both know I would be a terrible waiter."

And really he would. He just didn't have the patience for it. He glanced over at his companion.

"Kai said he got his job because of what he baked at my party. I'm glad of that."


mystiklsushi May 29 2011, 06:11:00 UTC
"He does quality work. It was a very happy circumstance to meet him there."

He chuckled softly again.

"Between the hints I was getting from Ion and my intuition that Kai would not fit the maid image very well, it was between the two of them that I decided to expand for butlers. It proved to be better for business all around, actually. If you think about it roundabout, it is because you are a good person that I'm doing so well with my business these days."


oranje_windmill May 29 2011, 06:45:07 UTC
Willem's ears went red at the compliment.

"I still don't understand what that was about," he confessed. "Aside from a few incidents, Marcello was a good roommate. And he was willing to work for anything he was given, which goes a long way with me."

There was a pause in the conversation as they crossed a street.

"You're probably right about Kai not fitting into the image of a maid. Although it would be very amusing to watch someone try to convince him to do so."


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