Instead of Commandeering every other godforsaken thread

May 20, 2011 00:35

Who: Kai, Valdi
When: Friday, May 20th. 5pm
Where: Sindre and Valdi's and Kai's apartment
What: Adorable is how we work
Warning: This thread may give you diabetes
We decided just to make our own. )

brightening your day the danish way~, status: incomplete, iceland, today on all my nordics, this is an intervention, fristaden christiania, stay in school kids, i hate hospital, is this love or just good coffee?

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danskannabis May 19 2011, 15:08:40 UTC
Kai started back to the kitchen with a nod to Valdi's request. "I'll see if I can find the so--"

-- Puffin.

He abruptly turned as the flutter of wings caught his attention like a bear in a snare, a wide eyed stare leveled on the exotic bird that for all intents and purposes was truly harmless. It wasn't that he hated birds, animals, or anything like that -- quite the contrary. He thought it was the coolest fucking thing ever that Valdi had managed to not only get a puffin, but train and housebreak the thing as well. It was just his own inability to handle anything outdoors that kept him at an arm's length (for Christ's sake: his first trip to the zoo in his entire life had been when they all went as a group in November).

Kai held that sort of awestruck, yet terrified stare with the small bird for several seconds longer before he quickly scurried into the kitchen to retrieve their beverages. Upon his return he approached the couch cautiously, eyes on the bird and his every movement to make sure he wouldn't suddenly fly for his head (or try to knife him, God only knew what bird were capable of) as he finally sat down beside the Icelander.

"H-He can staaaaay," Kai assured Valdi with a nervous lilt, though any anxiety dissolved with the hug, and further, the kiss. He lit right up and smiled, turning his head just enough to dot the tip of Valdi's nose with a light kiss of his own. "Anything for you, skat. I just hope you enjoy it, yeah?"


puffin_magic May 20 2011, 15:05:58 UTC
"He'll have to stay," Valdi managed a laugh, leaning away from Kai for a moment to ruffle his bird's feathers. "I am pretty sure he thinks he owns the place now."
Quite certain, really

He'd never told Kai about that one weekend, and hoped he would never have to. A telling part of his conscience whispered that Kai had probably dealt with quite a few fantasy weekends himself, but Valdi quickly silenced it.
In his opinion, so long as no harm was done (albeit to his boyfriend's own wellbeing) Kai could do whatever he wanted in his free time.
Within reason of course.

"He won't hurt you, I promise. Or he'll be outside." This was followed with a warning glare towards Puffin. Hell if the bird understood that but--

--Considering they already had an invisible troll running around the apartment somewhere, Valdi didn't dare limit the possibilities of reality.

He also made a mental note not to tell Kai about the troll.

Pushing the thought out of his mind Valdi turned his attention to the plate in front of him, and, using the fork beside it, took up one of the meatballs and placed it in his mouth.

Instantly his smile widened, overwhelming the weariness that the past few days had settled in. "The day you cook bad food, I think the world will be ending."


danskannabis May 23 2011, 01:32:17 UTC
"Aw, I'm not worried about him hurting me. Just.." Kai turned his head down a bit awkwardly, a cough interrupting his phrase. "W-When we all went to the zoo in November, it.. was my first time ever going to a zoo. So it's kinda cool and also scary to see exotic things so close up, yeah?"

Way to make yourself out to be a big damn chicken loser, Claus.

All troublesome quips and laments over his wounded pride quickly simmered down to something easily forgotten when Valdi smiled, filling him with an indescribable warmth. "Careful, now, the rapture is supposedly coming this weekend," Kai warned in good humor. "But thank you. It's nice to be able to do somethin' special for ya."


puffin_magic May 23 2011, 13:46:45 UTC
"What, really?"
He didn't mean to sound surprised, but it was very hard not to. Valdi had spent the best part of his childhood playing amongst whatever marine wildlife he could get his hands onto, so to think that Kai hadn't been around nature at all...

"Sorry, I didn't mean to--" Valdi blinked, "Rapture?" He'd heard something about it during class, but he'd figured that was just how his class was.
The word wasn't very familiar to him and he hadn't really been following the news all that much lately.


LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED AGAIN I am so sorry danskannabis June 29 2011, 17:01:52 UTC
"Ahh, yeah, I'm kind of--" he coughed into his hand and looked to the side, embarrassment creeping up on his just as the red coloring crept up to the tips of his ears. "K-Kind of scared of wild animals and.. well, being in the woods. Never been camping, never been to the zoo, never been to a goddamn petting zoo, even. Dad never took me to those sorts of things, and Søren has the same set of fears. I like goats and sheep, though!"

It didn't do much to soften the blow that Valdi's boyfriend was an outright pansy at times, but he meant well enough. He side-stepped the poor joke he had attempted to instead take a few bites of the food, sidling Valdi with a sidelong glance to see if the other was enjoying as well. Soon he was derailed from the topic of good food, wild animals, his own irrational fears to instead take in the visage of his boyfriend at complete ease, a small smile etching itself into his features.

"You are absolutely handsome, you know," Kai murmured in a bit of awe, ducking his head as his look turned sheepish. "You're just so goddamn wonderful in so many ways. I'm lucky to have someone like you."


I'm behind too it's okay :'D puffin_magic July 3 2011, 14:43:34 UTC

"W-what..." Fork suspended in mid-motion above his dish Valdi studied his boyfriend in undeniable disbelief before reality struck and he forced his gaze back to the dish with a nervous laugh. "Where did that come from? I haven't even done anything."

Carefully, Valdi shifted the meal from his lap onto the coffee table, allowing himself the freedom to wrap an arm around Kai's waist and press a soft kiss to his neck.
"But I can protect you from the possums and cats, though."

Kai didn't need to see him grinning, a light-hearted tone suggested that it was all in jest anyway.
Valdi tilted his head slightly to rest it on the Dane's shoulder;
"Really. You could be scared of leaving the house and I'd still be here."


danskannabis July 17 2011, 13:19:19 UTC
Kai shrugged over his reasoning as to why he explored such a sentiment, sheepishness turning gradually into red cheeked embarrassment at having let his inner romantic out of the bag. "Sometimes it's just good to say things like that, and let people know how much you appreciate him," He replied with another quick shrug. "Just wanted to do something nice for you, since I meant it."

All embarrassment flooded out of him as quick as it came however, and he turned in his place to wrap his arms around a slender waist in return, mounting his chin on the top of Valdi's head. "So if I decide to become a hermit you aren't going to abandon me?" He asked in good humor, smoothing his hand in circles at the small of his back. "What if I run off to join the circus, or to be a rodeo clown?"


puffin_magic July 19 2011, 02:15:16 UTC

Valdi leant into him, letting himself rest contently against Kai's chest. "Then I would come to every performance, of course." For a moment he let his eyes fall close, indulging in the fact that, for once, there was no reason for him to move.
Except to visit Sindre, but even that could wait five minutes.

"'Though I really don't think I have to worry about you becoming a rodeo clown." Kai working with animals was not a good investment on anyone's conscience.


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