Helloooo kitty...

May 15, 2011 00:45

WHO: Marcello and Chloe
WHEN: Saturday, 5pm
WHERE: Mimosa Flower Shop
WHAT: A Seborgan meets the hot sister of a good friend. Let the flirt-fest commence.

It wasn't until it was almost time to close up the shop for today that Marcello realized that Lucy-Junibelle was nowhere to be found. In the past week he'd made the decision to move her permanent home over to the shop due to his cousin Romano's tendency to flip out on him after she marks her territory in his expensive shoes now and then.

"Lucy?" He crouched down and peered under one of the tables of daffodils. "Are you here? Where are you?" He paced around the shop, becoming more and more concerned. "Did someone let you out when I wasn't looking maybe?"

If this were the case, he would be talking to himself and he knew it. The customers, it seemed, found the presence of a housecat in the shop a bit charming. But accidents happened, and Marcello wouldn't put it past them to accidentally letting her out without realizing. He went over to the front door, opening it so the little jingly bell sounded. And then he saw….

Well, well. Hello kitty.

belgium, adorable is how we roll, status: incomplete, fluff fluff fluffity fluff, getting to knooooow you, damn cats!, fail!flirting, i can haz friends?, romantic dipshits, seborga

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