Drinks and debauchery

May 13, 2011 21:20

WHO: Berwald & Sindre
WHEN: May, FRIDAY 13th, evening - May 14th, morning?
WHERE: Starts at Chueca
WHAT: Eternal SHAME.

Berwald told himself he was only there to get a few drinks. Not to get too drunk, and definitely not to pick up any strangers. He purposefully didn't let his mind linger on the fact that if he'd just wanted a few drinks he wouldn't have usually decided to do so at Chueca. He had done that before, occasionally, even if it had been a while ago, not counting the last time, when he'd... and he wasn't thinking about that either! It had been sort of flattering, to have someone interested in his company but how likely was it to happen again, really. He had nothing to worry about, unless he became so reckless as to seek out someone... which he wasn't.

Berwald stared down at his second drink, feeling his face heat up for some inexplicable reason. Why did it feel like he was lying to himself, he thought worriedly. He'd even asked Sindre to come there with him, so even if he'd wanted to he couldn't have been planning anything... even if Sindre had said no.

Berwald raised his glass and emptied it in one gulp, hoping the burn of alcohol would dispell the nervous spiral his thoughts seemed intent on.


Berwald jumped slightly and turned to give a startled glare at the sudden speaker, who raised his arms calmingly.

"Whoa, no offence man.

"...ah. 'rry," Berwald mumbled in reply, flushing even more in embarrassment. Luckily the other man didn't seem offended either.

"What are you drinking?" he asked curiously, leaning closer to peer at Berwald's glass, which caused their arms to brush together.

"'s just whiskey an' soda," Berwald replied.

For some reason, the other man was giving him a grin that was almost... calculating, under the cheerful surface. It wasn't malicious so Berwald wasn't too worried, he just wished he knew why.

He gave the man a closer look, but could see nothing remarkable... that is, anything to explain his sudden curiosity in Berwald's drinking habits. All he could see was the man was fairly handsome, with dark brown hair and dressed in a white, blue striped shirt and dark trousers, probably a bit shorter than Berwald but not by much. He looked somewhat older than Berwald, with laugh lines drawn around his eyes, but probably no older than in his late forties. Perhaps noticing Berwald's nervousness, the man's smile became kinder, though a certain spark of mischief remained.

"Hope I'm not bothering you? Just thought you looked a bit..." he seemed to seach for the right word, and the shrugged with a winning smile. "Dunno, lonely? Could have been wrong."

Berwald shrugged as well, still feeling a bit odd to be talking to a stranger, but he seemed rather nice.

"No, not 't all, was just... um, nothing particular," he mumbled. Why was he so bad at casual conversation, he thought despairingly. Again, the other man just smiled at him, despite the awkward words.

Then he turned towards the menu of drinks.

"What to get... yours any good?" he asked offhand.

"I guess. Usually have beer, so I didn't know what else to ask for..." Berwald replied.

"Hmm... oh, they have Long Island Iced Tea!" the man enthused suddenly, before turning to beam at Berwald. The enthusiasm for alcohol reminded him of Tino for a painful moment, despite this stranger being otherwise nothing alike the Finn. "I'll get one for you too, ok?" he continued while Berwald was still feeling a bit dazed from that sudden moment of longing.

"Sure," he replied distantly.

The drink, once it arrived, was a brownish orange colour, and had a tasted indeed like ice tea, although Timothy (that turned out to be the other man's name) claimed that it didn't actually contain any tea. At least not usually and the they didn't get a chance to ask the busy bartender, only to order another, and then a few other drinks that Timothy recommended. Eventually they'd reloated to one of the tables at the back of the bar, further away from worst noise from the dance floor. Even so, they had to sit close together to have any chance of hearing each other, sides pressing together where Timothy had pushed his high chair right next to Berwald's. Timothy leaned in to say something to his ear, his breath washing over Berwald's neck and causing him to shiver. His head was spinning a bit with the drinks, the pounding noise from the dancefloor and the warm air of the bar and when Timothy's hand slipped from where it was grabbing the edge of his seat for balance and landed on Berwald's thigh, he let out a small gasp, part in surprise and part something else that seemed to have been building between them for a while, even if Berwald only realized that in hindsight.

He stared at the other man, eyes wide in surprise, as his actions suddenly made sense. Timothy chuckled and gave him a knowing look, raising a hand to brush it along Berwald's cheek, not removing the other still brazed on his leg. Instead, he moved it higher...

Berwald jumped slightly, and might have fallen off the chair entirely if Timothy hadn't grabbed him to pull him into a kiss at the same moment. He used the noise of surprise he made as a means to deepen the kiss, causing Berwald to forget any protests he might have had over the public location. By the time they finished the kiss, he couldn't have cared less, barely self-aware enough to feel any embarassment over the needy whimper he made as Timothy pulled back to lick at his bruised lips.

"Well then, why don't we..." Timothy began to say, but Berwald never got to hear the rest, because at that moment...

i wanna take you to a gay bar, ikea can do it better, today on all my nordics, chueca tiiiime, don't try this at home, bulletin board of shame, i'm not copping a feel..., boomboomboomboom (i want you in my room), friday the 13th, personal bubbles are good for you, is the world spinning?, awkward turtle time, it's time for an intervention, no your hands don't go there, i predict a shitstorm, status: complete, make good choices, just dance it'll be okay, norway, it's not what you think, sweden, brown chicken brown cow, ust, blame it on the a-a-a-a-alcohol, i swear to drunk i'm not god, that's one way to get your clothes off, it's all completely innocent here, cockblocked like a boss

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