Who: Kiku and Willem
When: Saturday, 8th between the lunch and evening crowds
Where: The Royal Cafe
What: Willem receives a wake-up call.
Kiku relished stretch of calm that ran between the two busiest times his cafe saw during the day. The lull between peak times was his time to gather his wits about himself from lunch and start preparing everything necessary for the evening customers. The maids from lunch had already punched their time cards, and the staff for evening was due in an hour, with the exception of Ion (now a manager as of this week), who was on his break.
In order to keep the balance of a maid and butler cafe, which was thankfully a more profitable change than he had originally guessed it might be, he had donned one of the standard black pinafores. Maids were still the more popular option, and it felt against the original purpose of opening the cafe to try and operate it without at least one member of staff in a dress and apron.
Humming to himself, he bustled between the tables, absently checking the conditions of salt shakers, sugar dishes, and the positions of the tiny silver serving bells. Leaning over a table to get at one of the bells, he knocked it over, and therefore did not hear the tinkle of the door chimes as they jingled behind him.