WHO: Willem and Matthew
WHEN: Liberation day! May 5th, morning-ish
WHERE: Liberty's flower shop
WHY: It's a day of celebration their both feeling a bit homesick. What better way to remedy this than with flowers?
Matthew woke up this morning feeling distinctly out of place. The slightly warmer temperature and the distinct smell of pollen in the air- And that warranted an immediate trip to his medicine cabinet for his allergy medication. Spring was always so bitter sweet really, he had always loved the blooms and the greenery, but the fact that the very thing he loved made him almost sneeze his head off... Well- Maybe he could beat it eh? There wasn't anything to say he couldn't.
A trip to the flower shop was definitely in order.
Grabbing a couple of tissues and the bottle of meds, Matthew called a quiet goodbye to his (most likely at least) still sleeping brother and gathered up his bag. There was a perfect window sill in the kitchen for a small potted plant, and really, this place needed some more life in it than just pictures and sketches (no offence to Alfred, but the air kind of stunk flowers would definitely help that).
It took him a while to find the shop again, having to stop and ask directions from a few people multiple times, but he finally spotted it across the street, jogging over to it and smiling widely before slipping inside, immediately sneezing into the crook of his arm. Oh maple.
At least there was only a few people in here- the owner and a... rather... tall- Woah. That guy had really, really- spiky hair. Matthew found himself staring for a moment before giving the man a weak smile and glancing away towards the tulips, blinking. Oh, maybe he was getting some flowers as well? Smiling slightly, he walked over and steeled himself with a quiet breath (that thank God didn't make him sneeze again). "Hey- Tulip day right?" he hummed, glancing down at the various different shades of plants. "Are you getting one of these too?"