A couple of artists.

Mar 29, 2011 23:33

Who: Afonso and Emmanuel
When: Evening of March 30th, 2011
Where: Liberty University Art Studio
What: A reporter covers an up and coming art student.

Just a couple of romantics talking about romantic things. )

puerto rico, artsy fartsy, status: complete, this is the press!, romantic dipshits, portugal, liberty university

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noquieromorir March 30 2011, 03:40:02 UTC
Stepping out from behind an easel, Emmanuel looked over.
"Señor Silva?" inquired the young painter. "Con permiso- I forgot you'd be coming," he admitted, and with a stride like a Spanish don, Manny walked toward him, hand outstretched.

"You can call me Emmanuel or Manuel or Manny," he said, voice cool and calm- as always. Never social, but always polite. "I'm too young for such formalities, señor."

And he was.


This is so trippy |D foundtheindies March 30 2011, 03:48:07 UTC
Jumping, Afonso turned around, nearly dropping his notebook as he scrambled back to his thoughts. Embarrassed--that was stupid--Afonso nodded and offered his hand to the young student. "Then, Emmanuel. It's nice to meet you--I'm Afonso Silva, the one you spoke with on the phone. I promise I won't take up too much of your time. Is there somewhere in particular you'd like to do the interview?"

Easy protocol. Afonso liked this guy already; there was something interesting about the way he spoke.


I know IT'S SO. I DON'T EVEN noquieromorir March 30 2011, 03:56:03 UTC
"Anywhere is fine," Emmanuel replied, shaking the other's hand and looking around. "I guess I'll find us chairs or something." He turned around, grabbing a pair of art stools, his knuckles and fingers covered in ink and paint. "Did you want to do it here?"

Afonso seemed nice. That was good. Emmanuel wasn't one for questions, but this guy seemed alright.


I'M NOT SWOONING. I FEEL KIND OF WEIRD. foundtheindies March 30 2011, 04:00:32 UTC
Afonso looked down at his hand and noticed the swirls of paint on his own, smiling a little. Artists. "Sure, that's fine. Did you do all of the works in here...? You are very talented. I heard from the department head that you had a certain method that had you accepted so quickly."


"Hmm, I have a few," Emmanuel mumbled, offering Afonso a seat. "I kind of like abstract art... My teacher told me to loosen up a bit though, so the paintings of mine here are... unorthodox."
He looked around, pointing out which were his from among the group.

"That one's made by blowing bubbles with paint onto the canvas... That one was made by melting frozen water colors... And over there, that was the product of blowing chalk dust over some stone-ish compound," Emmanuel murmured, voice warm but even in tone, as if it were all nothing. "I don't know why we kept that one. But the theme of the series was children's art toys."


I'M A TAKEN MAN~*~*~* foundtheindies March 30 2011, 04:45:55 UTC
Afonso listened to the other, occasionally scribbling down notes; "clever methods" and "creative approach". Emmanuel himself was likeable--so different than the loud Spanish speaker in his life. He was impressed, certainly, and he smiled as he tapped his pen against his chin. "I've never heard of anything quite like that. The university must have been clambering all over itself to have you. I heard you guys might be planning an art show, soon...? Do you know if you'll be in it?"


to quote someone else fancily, you're a confused aquatic navigationa-/shot noquieromorir March 30 2011, 04:49:43 UTC
Crossing his legs as he sat on the stool, Emmanuel tilted his head. "I suppose. I have to get things done before then," he murmured, and nodded. "The professor wants something, so yes, I suppose so."
Talking with this guy was pretty easy. At least he wasn't barraging him with questions. He had been expecting a much more annoying sort of reporter.


ARE YOU HITTING ON ME, GOOD SIR i can't imagine your england muse is happy with this |D foundtheindies March 30 2011, 04:52:30 UTC
He nodded, taking down the date of the show. "Alright. Now then, how would you say Liberty's program has helped you?" The idea was of course, to put a positive spin on the university. "Not necessarily just in art--even in the University itself."


he can take a hike if you want it ;D but no he isn't. xD noquieromorir March 30 2011, 05:09:30 UTC
"Well," Emmanuel murmured, stroking his chin a bit as he thought. "I haven't been here too long."
He smiled, then, thinking about it. "Liberty's a good school, though. I wouldn't have come if I thought it wouldn't help. Besides... I've learned to loosen up." At that, he laughed. He could tell Afonso about the stars in his ceiling or endless hours painting, but that had nothing to do with Liberty.
"Perhaps you should talk to a more outgoing student."


oh ho ho ho ;D we will just be the derpiest romantic bros foundtheindies March 30 2011, 05:20:16 UTC
"That's good to know. And--no, I wanted to talk with you. You and I seem like kindred spirits." Scribbling down notes, he leaned forward a bit, smiling. "So, what inspires you, then? It's a tricky question, believe me, I know."


yes indeed my boaty friend noquieromorir March 30 2011, 05:23:40 UTC
"What inspires me?" Emmanuel asked, starting to grin, as if he had the biggest, juiciest secret in the world.
"What inspires me? You limit me, hermano! What inspires me, que gracioso," he spoke, enthralled by the question. He sat forward in his seat, staring at Afonso with wild eyes.

"What inspires me, señor? Todo. Everything."


................../cries CAN'T A GUY HAVE EXCEPTIONS foundtheindies March 30 2011, 05:29:05 UTC
Afonso's face cracked into a grin and he listened to the other--he couldn't help but chuckle and reply, "Good answer. Perhaps our arts aren't so different."

What a nice kid. The Portuguese reporter looked around the room again, smiling fondly. "And what about your techniques--interesting methods, inspired by an omnipresent muse?"


Sure, just like a boat can switch its sails. noquieromorir March 30 2011, 05:35:44 UTC
"Tch, nah," Emmanuel grinned, shaking his head. "It just, comes to me. Sometimes I do things out of spite, sometimes I just... feel like doing them." He shrugged a little, shifting in his seat a bit.
"What about you? You say you are an artist. Is there something besides journaling?"


....IT'S A VERY CONFUSING TIME OKAY foundtheindies March 30 2011, 05:38:07 UTC
Afonso smiled and tapped his pen against the notebook again, fondly. He liked this kid quite a bit. "I suppose I fancy myself a poet, although that's more on the side." And in another little section of the paper, but no one had to know that. "I'm no good with the visual, but I like to think I am a wordsmith. Anyway--this is about you, amigo. So tell me, is there anything else you're planning on doing at the school, or even around town? Aside from making an artistic name for yourself."


Re: ....IT'S A VERY CONFUSING TIME OKAY noquieromorir March 30 2011, 05:45:59 UTC
"Making a name?" Emmanuel asked. "I'm just doing what I do. This is what I do." He shrugged a little, smiling. "Just like poetry is for you, señor. I do it for the spirit, you know?"

Leaning back a little, he shrugged. "But I also play baseball."


foundtheindies March 30 2011, 19:31:50 UTC
"Very well said." Afonso took down a few more notes and cocked an eyebrow at him. "Baseball. Planning on playing for Liberty? I can't say I've ever been a fan of the game myself--it's all about footba...err, soccer, where I'm from."


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