A couple of artists.

Mar 29, 2011 23:33

Who: Afonso and Emmanuel
When: Evening of March 30th, 2011
Where: Liberty University Art Studio
What: A reporter covers an up and coming art student.

Afonso stood in the elevator of the studio building and looked through his small notebook, shifting his weight as he pressed the button for the top floor. He'd been assigned to talk with the art department, and when he'd called, they had offered him the Puerto Rican exchange for an interview. Apparently he had some unorthodox sort of method for doing things--and well, an artist was an artist. Be he a poet or a visual artist.

Stepping into the airy studio, Afonso looked around at the canvases on the wall, calling, "Mr. Diaz?"

The colors in here were poetic. Struck by the urge to write, Afonso started to daydream off about words and colors, lost in his own thoughts in the massive studio.

puerto rico, artsy fartsy, status: complete, this is the press!, romantic dipshits, portugal, liberty university

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