No I'm Not Your Sister

Mar 16, 2011 10:22

Who: Ali and Lili
When: March 16th, morning
Where: The Van Peeters Apartment
What: Ali mistakes Lili to be her sister, Lili becomes confused, and other awkward times!

Lili knew what she needed most after the long and albeit depressing week. A social life. The sun had just barely risen over the crest of Lili's bedroom window when the girl had begun slowly looking through her phone contacts. Unfortunately instead of choosing who she would visit quickly, Lili instead starting picking out reasons that she couldn't see them today. Gilbert was most likely busy. Elizaveta was always busy. Marcello. Well. She didn't really know why. Willem hadn't seemed very happy lately. Lili really couldn't find anyone until after a brief sigh, her finger glazed over one name she was very happy to see. Keke. It was perfect! They hadn't seen each other in a few weeks anyway.

After about an hour, Lili had gotten ready and stepped out the door, feeding Ziege on her way out. The apartment wasn't too hard to find, after all, it was just down the hall from Wilm's. The young blonde had to wonder if everything was okay with him as she walked passed. A few moments after reaching the door, Lili knocked, folding her hands behind her back politely. After a minute went by and there was no answer, she knocked again, a bit harder. After that last knock, the door creaked open. Lili pushed the door open slowly with a pointed finger and looked around with wide eyes. It must have been unlocked.

There was no sign of Keke, but Lili heard something in the other room. The thought that Keke's sister could be home never crossed her mind. And so, Lili decided to wait, soon taking a seat on the couch.

belgium, status: incomplete, liechtenstein

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