This dog needs a shorter leash, he keeps running into people

Mar 10, 2011 22:37

Who: Moon and Marie (M&M )
When: Thursday afternoon, March 10th.
Where: A fancy street in a fancy part of the fancy town.
What: Dog knocks down person, dog's owner feels bad. FRIENDSHIP~ Yes, same old cliche.

After Moon had brought Toro over to Remy, his mood had improved and he was finally willing to go outside and take a long walk. Moon sighed as he fastened the leash on Toro before heading out, deciding he'd go to the park.

It was obvious Toro had some extra energy, cause he became quite curious about this cat down the street. What Moon hadn't foreseen, was that the big dog decided to sprint after the cat, chasing it down the road.

Moon tried to hold the dog back. The Great Dane wouldn't have anything of it and managed to break free, rushing after the poor cat that had run for it as well.
"Come back here!" Moon said, chasing after the big dog.

Unfortunately, Toro's speed made it harder for him to slow down. After turning a corner the dog ran straight into another person, making them both fall over. "Toro!" Moon called after him, catching up with the two.

The cat got away.

status: complete, seychelles, mongolia

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