Napoleonic Wars Round 1

Mar 05, 2011 02:04

WHO: Natalia and Leon (Francis is somewhere hiding in the background...)
WHEN: March 5th, 2AM
WHERE: Just short of the Braginsky home
WHAT: Leon Bonaparte's got a bone to pick with a certain Russian man. Little girls will not stop him.

this time with more coats. )

france, what the fuck are we doing?!, fight fight fight fight!, who are you?!, i will cut you, belarus, what is this madness!?, napoleon

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[notamidget.] la_grand_vie March 5 2011, 11:34:44 UTC
Feisty. Leon had always liked his women on the more feisty side and as such he was... abnormally used to this situation. Granted, it had varied from an assortment of kitchen knives, forks, to a butcher's cleaver, and even one of his own heavy swords once- And now he supposed that he could add a fine, personalised dagger to the threats on his life.

C'est la vie after all.

Of course unfortunately this also meant he knew when he ought not to test the waters any more, and the proximity of that knife to his neck was unpleasant to say the least. "Oui, oui. As I told you, I am here to deal with old business," he said, accent and tone still thick and suggestive.

"A man here no longer deserves to live, and I plan on separating his entrails from his body. You look like a woman who enjoys a good gutting, oui~?" his eyebrows twitched up at the same time his smirk tugged at one corner of his mouth, his grip on his sword still steady and waiting. Hopefully this magnificent creature would not start anything, but even if she did... Well, Leon did not have qualms about fighting women if they were well armed.


[tell that to history] here_comes_the March 5 2011, 11:48:21 UTC
“Who?” she hissed out, already impatient of his dramatic, roundabout explanations. She just wanted to know who he was here for and then she could decide on the appropriate action to take. In all reality, if the target was anyone but her brother, she wouldn’t care if they were slit from throat to belly by this buffoon. In such an instance, she would promptly be on her way, perhaps slicing up a part of him as retribution for his vulgar conduct. But, if it turned out to be the other case…

Natalia tightened her hold on her knife, swiftly noting his movement and the sword at his side, and prepared herself to go all out if he indeed was her for her dear brother.

If she had her way, she would make sure all that was left of him was a rusty red smear on the pavement.


la_grand_vie March 5 2011, 11:54:39 UTC
"A... Russian," Leon watched the way her slender, gloved hand gripped the dagger tighter and he, in return, tightened his own grip. He really would rather not get rid of someone he didn't have to, especially a woman that would undoubtedly give plenty of healthy, beautiful children. But if she would step in his way, if she would get in his path for revenge- Then she had to go as well.

"Ivan. Ivan Braginsky, a foul, gay man that turned my poor nephew into a disgustingly sissy man. Do you know of him?"


here_comes_the March 5 2011, 12:16:51 UTC
Her response was instantaneous. Ivan Braginsky were the magic words that unlocked Natalia's violent tendencies - the trigger that sent her blazing into action driven by pure instinct to protect Brother.

At once she attempted to silence him by ravaging his throat and vocal chords with her knife in the most painful way possible. Slowly. Messily. But contrary to what his lecherous persona suggested, he proved to be smart enough to anticipate her ill reaction and dodged the blow before parrying with his still-sheathed sword.

"You will not touch him," Natalia spat out, now determined more than ever to end this quickly and emerge as the victor.

That is, the sole survivor.


la_grand_vie March 5 2011, 12:30:53 UTC
Well merde.

The flash of a dagger in his eyes and Leon's instincts sprung to life, his parry followed by a quick step back onto his right foot. His eyes glinted, his breath snorted out into the cold night air visible as he quickly drew his sharpened blade. "You will not get in my way."

It shown in the streetlight, finely polished and kept carefully in mint condition- After all, it had been a while since he had actually drawn blood with it. Ever too quiet was his home island, and it grew boring quickly- But now his blood was racing, adrenaline flowing through his veins and causing him to grin wickedly.

"I will seek out my revenge, do not think I would not harm a woman~"


here_comes_the March 6 2011, 21:29:23 UTC
Female or male, Natalia did not care. Those she faced who opted to take the chivalrous route were simply dealt with in a more timely manner. But she never once assumed that her opponents would adjust their abilities in order to level the playing field because of her gender. (Little did they know that it was horribly imbalanced, but not for her.) Such naïve expectations would have resulted in justifiably messy consequences ages ago.

So it was with no small amount of contempt that she regarded such a warning she had no need for. She could easily slice him open without any ‘helpful’ hints from him.

“Insignificant,” she growled in response to both the caution and the vitriol he spewed about revenge against her brother. By the looks of it, even if Brother had done something, this pathetic excuse for a man deserved every second of it.


la_grand_vie March 6 2011, 21:40:17 UTC

If there was one thing that Leon was not, it was that. The very word made him bristle and lose all trace of humour; he had spent his life earning a name for himself, be it bad or good. But obviously it was lost on this too-tall of a woman with a dagger for a friend.

Well then, Leon was just going to have to clarify that for her, wasn't he? Without waiting, without another word or hesitation he charged for her- sword brandished in front of him as another figure finally appeared just down the street.

"L-LEON-!" Francis' cry carried over, utterly ignored by his uncle as the Frenchman renewed his running efforts. "N-NOM DE DIEU- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Oh merde. That was Natalia. Why of all people did he have to go and pick a fight with her?!


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