Who: Tomato Gang Alicia, Romano, Alejándro, Antonio (+anyone else who wants to comfort him)
When: Wednesday, 2nd of March. 12.30 midday
Where: The Coffee Shoppe
What: Its Comfort the Spaniard time. Too bad he couldn't have chosen better friends.
Oh Toni... )
"Hey, but everyone looked really convinced today! I'm pretty sure the jury heard it enough times that I'm not a bad guy. It'll all be over really soon and we can just forget about it!" He grinned, looking a good deal more convinced than everyone else at the table. Especially the half-awake Italian next to him. It looked like he was taking all of this a lot worse than anyone else.
"So cheer up, Lovi," he leaned up against him, circling his arm around his shoulders. "I'll be fine."
"Do you realise how much trouble you're causing me? Lawyers aren't cheap y'know, and God knows what that retard (read: apprentice) has done to my Pizzeria."
Romano sighed, leaning forward to cup his face in open hands, which gradually slid back to dig into his hair. "Is it too much to ask for you not to do anything stupid?"
Just hurry up and get out of there, god dammit.
Looking back across the table at Ale and Alicia, his smile turned up another few degrees. "Everything will be okay, really!"
"Cha, no te preocupes. El jurado saben que la mujer es una idiota." Ale agreed easily, setting his mug down and stretching his arms overhead.
Alicia had been oddly preoccupied with her own drink, so Alejándro dropped his arms and sent a surreptitious nudge into her side with his elbow.
"Exactly! Where does this self-righteous idiot get the grounds to accuse you of anything? If anyone deserves a good smack upside the head it's her."
She hadn't heard the whole story until Romano had filled her in and she'd been simmering since, a heightened protectiveness for her friend taking place. She'd like nothing more than to find this woman and beat the living daylights out of her. But that's not the way the law worked these days....pity.
"And yet it's taking them three whole god damn weeks to work that one out."
Romano never once did doubt the town's stupidity as a whole. It seemed that wherever he went, someone was set on making his life a living hell- simply because some crazy-ass parent decided to play four-square with their baby's head all those years back.
Or at least, he liked to believe the lack of intelligence was due to a few too many bumps with the concrete as a child; but each new day presented new evidence towards it being absolutely hereditary.
Afterall, all the relatives he did know were fuckwits, and god knows how many others in Liberty shared the same blood line (Thanking you muchly Nonno).
Surely it must've all come from his Grandfather, and if not he certainly made a good scapegoat.
Romano downed his coffee and shot Antonio a sideways glance; the arm was still very much around his shoulders.
"Eliminare, o lo faccio io"
[ooc*google translate fail: Remove it, or I'll do it myself]
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