A Walk in the Park

Mar 02, 2011 11:01

Who: Kiku and Willem
When: March 1, evening
Where: A nice little park with a dog walk
What: Talk of puppies and love lives

Kiku was glad Willem had agreed to meet him today, as he finally had a chance to show Pochi off to a close friend. He wasn't sure that taking the dog to his friend's apartment was a good idea, as the Dutchman's rabbit might not be so thrilled to try and make friends. Neither did he want to immediately invite his friend to his apartment, wanting to prove that he was indeed living in the outside world again. So, he had suggested that they go for a walk.

Granted, he was not so much walking Pochi as he was walking around with the puppy in his arms. He had already let him run around in the grass and the remnants of dead leaves, but now that it was dark he found it more comforting to have the dog well within his range of vision. And it was much warmer with a sleepy puff of puppy hugged to one's chest.

For the umpteenth time, he sighed a little contented sigh. 

pochi-kun, 1-900-brotalk, japan, advice, a non-date date, status: complete, netherlands

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