Who: Lili and her two pseudo-uncles
When: February 19th
Where: Gilbert and Francis' bachelor pad
What: In the events of your girlfriend(?) missing from her apartment, return to your own and receive sympathy from roomie and photographer.
His old beetle was really starting to show its wear and tear. It rumbled through the large waves of snow, tiny windshield-wipers working furiously to beat away the flakes that were clinging to the glass. Gilbert wasn't it much of a hurry because in this snow storm, time had lost most of it's meaning and even though the watch on his wrist read 12:01 and his dashboard read 11:58 and his phone said 12:00, it didn't feel like midnight.
He hated this. His phone was clutched in his hand was he was just waiting for the stupid girl to call him back so he could stop worrying, but no, she had to be all selfish and disappear on him.
"Stupid girl, stupid Elizaveta, stupid snow, what the hell was she even thinking? Disappearing!? When I was going to save her! That's so her-"
This little rant continued until he stopped outside the large apartment building and cut the engine. The headlamps turned off and the light outside and considerably reduced.Getting out of the car, he was reminded of his passenger as a tiny fuzzy head bumped the underside of his chin.
He nearly flipped his shit outside but the coldness subdued his reaction and he ended up cursing in German, lightly petting Elizaveta's cat as he hurried inside and up the stairs, knocking on the door and letting himself in.