I've found someone else's Prince Charming

Feb 18, 2011 16:57

WHO: Willem and Elizaveta
WHEN: The morning of February 18th, before the blackout
WHERE: Outside of Chueca, Elizaveta's current residence
WHAT: If it had been in a different world, Elizaveta might've fallen in love.

At least her head didn't hurt too much from the previous night's drinking. It had only been a few glasses of wine, so Elizaveta's head was still alright, just a little bit woozy whenever she moved too fast.

Picking up her purse from the small dressing stand, she lowered her head as she moved down the rusty stairs and into the hallway of the back of Chueca. Not many people came into this hallway, other than cleaning people and the bartender, sometime. Most of the action happened in the front, but right now with its renovation, Chueca was nowhere near being ready for the public again. It had to be perfect by the time it opened again.

She checked her hair in the mirror before slinging her jacket on. She was only going to go out and buy some more wine to substitute the bottle she had finished yesterday. It had been already half-empty, but Alfred would probably get mad if he caught her drinking.

Pushing on the backdoor, Elizaveta walked through the alleyway until she appeared on the normal streets of the square, smiling.

Taking a step forwards, she didn't notice the slippery surface of the slightly iced-over pavement and felt herself falling backwards.

not a date, fuck yeah!, hey i know you, she a crazy bitch, my milkshake brings all the boys to the , chueca tiiiime, coffee is good for the brain, i can haz friends?, girl lives in a gay bar, seme vs seme, "hanging out", i'd tap that, hungary, status: complete, slightly opposites tea for the soul, all you need is love, bonding tiemz, thank god it's friday, what are you doing here?, why hello thar, everybody loves wilm, i solemnly swear i am up to no good, netherlands, funtimes in realtime, bromance

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