You need people of intelligence on this sort of... mission... quest...

Feb 07, 2011 19:16

Who: Willem and Roy
When: Monday, February 07
Where: The Engineering Department of Liberty University
What: All Willem needs is a piece of paper signed by the head of the language department.

< A part of this was Willem’s fault, as loath as he was to admit it.

If he’d been more on top of things, he would have already gotten the head of the language department to sign the piece of paper that said Willem had taken the tests required to skip most of the lower levels of German and go straight into the advanced class he was already in. Except he hadn’t, and now he had to find the man’s office and get him to sign the paper before the end of the day or his name would be taken off the roster and he wouldn’t receive any credit for the class he was currently taking.

Of course, the whole thing would have been so much easier if the offices for the language professors weren’t currently being repainted, thus causing the lot of them to move next door to the engineering department for the week.

As he rounded the corner he checked the piece of paper he’d been given one more time, which meant he didn’t see the person coming from the opposite direction until he ran right into them.>

status: incomplete, liberty university~*~*, hey i know you, scotland, i'm sorry, navigation what navigation?, bad day at the office, manry like a walnut, that was unintentional i promise, seme vs seme, we meet again professor, it's a, perfection forms good bonds, everybody loves wilm, awkward bonding, netherlands, it's all just a coincidence!

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