Chinese New Year Dinner!

Feb 03, 2011 22:49

WHO: Yao, Chai, Hak Soo, Zhi... I hope I got everyone (basically, EAST ASIANS + one random Thai thrown in the mix :Ua)
WHEN: February 3rd 2011 of course~
WHERE: Yao's flat in the Charleston
WHAT:  What happens when you put many Asians in one room? ...I wish I knew too.
RATING: Don't try this at home.

This was the day. Chai had spent all Tuesday preparing with Yao instead of doing their usual lessons, as the shops in Huayuan would be closed in celebration for Chinese New Year. Knowing how much they had to prepare, Chai made sure to prep some ingredients by chopping them up earlier that day to reduce the workload. When he arrived, he'd be ready to cook on the spot. Although อาจารย์Yao would be the head honcho in that department of course.

Arriving at the apartment, Chai tugged on the end of his shirt. He wasn't quite sure who to expect which was unsettling. Yao rattled off a list of possible people attending and Chai recognized none save for Zhi whom he had met on the off-chance before the lesson. Hopefully, the kitchen would save him from having to deal with too many strangers all at once.

Either way Chai couldn't back off now. He'd promised to assist his อาจารย์ after all. Perhaps this dinner might be enjoyable! He didn't want to go through the deal he did last Christmas. Having just moved into Liberty, he found himself spending a very lonely Christmas. He assured himself at the very least he would be surrounded by company. That thought eased some of his worries.

A tentative push on the doorbell made a ringing sound Chai could hear through the door. After a while there was no response. He checked the door handle. It was unlocked. Was anyone home? He let himself in anyway. He was no stranger and he didn't want to spend any unnecessary time in the cold. It was already February and it was no different to December or January to Chai. Cold was cold and he did not like cold.

Peering curiously around, there was no one in plain sight.

Chai shrugged closing the door behind him with his foot. Kicking his shoes off and lining them hastily he made his way to the kitchen.

((OOC: Ugh I hope this was okay because none of you were online when I was writing this :U Okay I'm going to bed to sleep off this cold now e__e))

getting to knooooow you, this. is. china!!!!, food time, "hanging out", family dinner, all azns are bros, bonding tiemz, hong kong, history won't repeat this shit, awkward bonding, awkward family moment, hello again, parental advisory, tonight we dine in hell!, thailand, this is madness, fuck yeah!, hey i know you, someone's gonna die today, status: dead, cat fight, and remember: don't fuck it up, i predict a shitstorm, what are personal boundaries?, unacceptable! all of this!, north korea, what are you doing here?, yao's fat ass, disregard everything, there's this thing called murphy's law, company, it's all completely innocent here, bromance, china

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