Sorry Siri, hope you don't mind the girlfriend coming along

Jan 24, 2011 18:45

WHO: Berit, Aino and Siri
WHEN: Sunday, January 23th
WHERE: Some anonymous mall in Liberty?
WHAT: They go shopping. Clothes, baby clothes... oh I was lost in thought sorry, knives...
And I wonder if they make this chainsaw in blue? )

girls night out, finland, status: complete, today on all my nordics, yuri ftw, shenanigans!, bonding tiemz, norway, !event: genderbender week, sweden, girls just wanna have fun

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oxenstierna_b January 25 2011, 22:00:45 UTC
Berit yawned and rubbed at her eyes that had just so narrowly avoided a terrible faith. She was far slower to wake up than Aino, but after getting some feeling back into her arm, folded it underneath herself to prop up her upper body. She shivered slightly at the cold air hitting her skin, bringing it up in goosebumps, but resisted the urge to pull the covers higher. It would be far too easy to just lie back down and fall asleep, and at least the cold would keep her awake before she got some coffee.

Berit blinked drowsily at Aino, eyes owlish and blind without her glasses, before leaning forward to kiss Aino on the corner of her eye.
"Like I would," she murmured, almost smiling, the faintest quiver of an expression.

Then she sat up properly, streching her arms high above her head with an efficient motion and a cracking sound, before moving her neck around similarly. Berit got out of bed, going to the large inbuilt closet and opening the woodpaneled door. It was nice there was enough space for two people here, Berit thought distractedly as she chose her outfit for the day. She was about to take out a white blouse but then hesitated. Last time she went out with Søraya and Siri she'd put on that blouse and a black skirt and Søraya had laughed for way too long about her looking like a waitress. And Siri had probably just tried to make her feel better claiming she was just jealous. So maybe... Berit bit her lip, and then just decisively picked up a pair of jeans a t-shirt and a blue cashmeer shirt with a deep v-neck. It was soft, warm and comfortable and it was just annoying having to bother with clothes. Not like they would change anything essential anyway. Berit brushed an impatient hand through her still mussed hair, thinking she'd fix it after coffee.

"Aino, d'ya want coffee here?" Berit asked over her shoulder at the door.


find_a_fin January 26 2011, 13:20:36 UTC
"Well you should, I mean, I don't want to end up crippling you.."

Lying down after Berit stood up, Aino stretched like a cat and pulled the warm pillows closer, wondering what she should do today if she should do anything at all before she heard the Swede speak up and she blinked, turning to her. "You don't have to bring it up here, you know..." She laughed a bit and sat up, pulling a strand of hair behind her ear and moving to trow her legs over the edge of the bed, standing up and wincing at the how cold the floor was under her bare feet. She was wearing her regular night time T-shirt and panties and nothing else. She didn't like sleeping with too much clothes on.

"Besides, it makes me feel like a mother on Mother's Day. All missing is self made croissants and a card."


oxenstierna_b January 26 2011, 19:15:27 UTC
Berit almost tripped, her hand shooting out to smack into the doorframa as pain radiated up from the toe that had caught on the threshold. Ow.

"Ah," she said. There had been that time last year when Patience had decided to bring breakfast to Berit in the morning on Mother's Day. Rather silly of her to go to so much trouble but... also quite lovely, in it's way. But now she was living with another girl... or woman, really. Of course Berit was very happy for her but...

She nodded distractedly to Aino and sighed, before heading towards the kitchen.


find_a_fin January 26 2011, 19:40:41 UTC
Before following her downstairs and into the kitchen, Aino quickly pulled on a pair of college pants and tennis socks, mumbling to herself about how cold the floor was before heading downstairs, not bothering to brush her hair yet and heading straight to one of th chair, sitting down and leaning to her elbows as she watched the other make coffee.

"Were you going to do something today?"

Pulling her other foot to the chair with her, she began to pluck little pieces of pile from her old sock. The coffee smelled delicious, and even though she had slept well and wasn't sleepy, she would gladly have a cup or two.


oxenstierna_b January 26 2011, 20:10:40 UTC
After the coffee maker had started working it's magic, Berit headed to another chair around the table, slumping down into it and yawning before leaning her head heavily on her arms. It always took her a while to really wake up in the mornings... Berit reached out to put a magasine that had slid out on the small pile on the table back in it's place. Out of the glossy cover, a young woman holding a baby smiled widely, before joining the pile of catalogs and daily nespapers. Should throw some of the oldest ones in the pile away soon, Berit resolved.

"Mm? 'h, gonna go shopping with Siri," she answered sleepily.

Glancing at the coffeemaker, she noticed that there was enough for two halves of a cup and got up promptly to pour it out into the two cups already lined up on the counter. After giving Aino hers, Berit sat down again took a careful sip of the hot coffee, closing her eyes. She could almost feel the wakefullness seeping in with the dark beverage.


find_a_fin January 27 2011, 07:56:16 UTC
After the Baby magazine made itself known to her, Aino had to blink and rearrange her thoughts before looking at Berit and smiling. “Oh, shopping? Can I come along? I have to buy new socks at least.”

Taking a sip of her coffee when Berit offered to cup for her, she smiled slightly and tried to forget that… magazine. She didn’t really want to tell Berit she didn’t like having them around, because they were her magazines, she could read whatever she wanted. But honestly, why would a woman read a magazine like that, if she weren’t..?

Shaking her head slightly, Aino tilted her head back and downed the still hot coffee with a single gulp. Call her old fashioned, but she thought children should have both father and a mother, if possible. Not to say she felt way too young to be able to raise a baby.


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