You must have fallen from heaven

Jan 22, 2011 12:20

WHO: Minh and Siri.
WHEN: Roundabouts 14:30, 22 January.
WHERE: The park.
WHAT: Out for a stroll, Siri runs into an...interesting man.

Siri shoved her hands into her pockets as she hunched her shoulders up a little bit further. She hated this. Hated the skirt she was wearing that let in an unpleasantly cold breeze, hated the thick tights that did not make up for the lack of pants, hated the heels that made her feel unsteady, even though her step was sure, hated the makeup that made her face feel stiff, hated everything up to the "fashionable" knit cap covering her ears.

Well, she liked her pea coat. That was it.

The problem was, she knew she'd have to get used to such behavior. Up until now, social norms hadn't mattered too much to her. But after she obtained her masters, she would be out in the world and wanting to be taken as a professional. And Siri knew that included looking the part. Which meant acclimating to the use of make-up, adjusting to impractical clothes and heels, and wasting far too much time in the morning just to get it all done.

She did not, however, have to like it.

Coming out of her thoughts to catch her face, she deliberately smoothed out her scowl with a sigh. She was supposed to play the whole part today, which included no outward sign of disdain. No one wanted a criminal profiler who looked as if she hated everything.

That was part of the reason Siri had come to the park. It had been an effort to force herself to do this after that utter disaster of a plane trip, but if she could compose herself after that, she could handle just about anything. She was not, however, feeling the slightest bit sociable. The park put her around plenty of people and gave her an excuse to be moving around, learning the feel of this sort of clothing, but it did not force her to interact with any of them.

God, she hoped she didn't run into anyone she knew.

pepperspray: it's hot, today on all my nordics, badtouching, please stop groping me, bulletin board of shame, migraines at the door, personal bubbles are good for you, vietnam, i'd tap that, i feel pretty o so pretty, fashion sense does exist, oh shit- we actually need a hetero tag?!, frankly my dear- i don't give a damn, status: complete, norway, why yes these are real thank you, !event: genderbender week, cockblocked like a boss

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