A Midwinter Night's Nightmare

Jan 03, 2011 02:43

Who: Garcia and Chai
When: 3rd January 2011, 18:09
Where: Coco Theatre along Baroque Street
What: Attempts to appreciate theatre are inevitably a failure if you fail to even arrive on time.

Chai was walking with extreme urgency. The ticket purchased for the A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Coco Theatre had said the play would start six o'clock sharp. When purchasing the ticket, he remembered, he was told the doors would be closed and remain so until intermission at approximately 19:40 at which the play would resume after twenty minutes. He was already nine minutes late.

Surely, they were only jesting about the doors right? He had even sped through Liberty on his motorcycle. The cold wind from driving at high speeds had cut through to his bones. He even went through the trouble to find a parking space. The ticket was not cheap, as intermission provided wine with... some snacks he can't recall as well as water and juice for children. The picture of the theatre had shown state-of-the-art decor. If he were to be denied entry... what a waste it would be.

After a brief walk, Chai found himself at the entrance and promptly entered the doors to stride into a fancy hall. He approached a man standing by what he concluded had to be the theatre door. He extended his ticket to the man who only stared, unmoving and mildly irritated. Chai tried again, trying to sound as cordial as possible despite his irritation, "Can I please enter the theatre? I'm only... nin- ah, ten minutes late!" The man simply re-iterated the very words he had heard upon purchasing the ticket.

Chai internally swore, but then smiled as he asked, "Would it be possible to enter during intermission then?" The man replied, confirming it as possible. Chai thanked him and turned to stand towards the far end of the fancy hall. It was further away from the cold which entered through the main doors. Glancing at the opposite side of the theatre, he could see goods for sale. Guides, books, food, drink...

He was already bored. What was he going to do for the next hour and a half?

cyprus, fml, "hanging out", status: complete, i can explain!, awkward bonding, thailand, first times are always good times, and remember: don't fuck it up, alas poor childe i knew him well...

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