Bringing in the new year with a...?

Jan 01, 2011 02:07

Who: Rory and Grace (and a certain blonde neighbour)
Where: Rory's apartment
When: Run up to Hogmanay (Friday 31st December/Saturday 1st of January)
What: Two women enjoying a birthday and the run up to the new year...

It had been a rather quiet birthday for Rory before Grace arrived, not the Scot minded. The paranoid habits of her mother over Hogmanay and Ne'erday had rubbed off on her and she never could relax until she was sure she had everything organized and was unlikely to gain bad luck over anything she did. Which worked out nicely as far as she was concerned, she wasn't born until a minute to midnight so it was a 'short' birthday technically. That was what her mum would always say as she prepared their midnight dinner.

She had been watching BBC Scotland's clips of the celebrations back home when there had been a knock at the door. Tearing herself away from a young singer's rendition of Auld Lang Syne Rory went to the door, looking through the peep hole to make sure that the person wasn't male or, more importantly, blonde. Satisfied that her guest was neither, she opened the door,  "Grace," She began, ushering the other woman in and glancing at her watch, "I was starting to think you weren't coming." She said with a smile, allowing herself to relax and forcing any niggles over bad luck to the back of her mind. "Is there anything in particular you'd like to drink? Wine, whisky,"

If Grace was going to spend the whole night with her then she might need the last one, since she turned eight, Rory had never gone to bed before three on this night.

france, monaco, status: complete, scotland

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