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thailaew December 29 2010, 14:13:43 UTC
Despite the piercing stares he received, whatever happened seemed to have done the job for he could see a man sitting by the window beckoning him with his right arm. He looked worried and was putting his left index finger to his lips for some reason. Was... he possibly a secret agent of kind who was trying to keep his cover? Chai obliged and walked towards Yao as quietly as he could. The gazes gradually left him, as people lost their interest.

As he approached the man, he could see คุณ Yao clearly. คุณ Yao bore an uncanny resemblance to his beautiful Thai-Chinese กะเทย cousin แก้ว! That gave him a bit of comfort, as he and แก้ว were as thick as thieves. Perhaps คุณ Yao was also a กะเทย?

It took him a while to weave between the tables, but when he reached the man, he immediately clapped his hands together into a ไหว้. "สวัสดีครับอน้า~ You are คุณ Yao? Nice to meet you." He spoke softly, remembering to keep his voice down. Chai glanced at the small dishes of snacks on Yao's table and felt a tinge of guilt. Oops. "Ah- Did you wait for a long time?" He scratched his head and smiled.


icarryapanda December 29 2010, 15:26:47 UTC
What a polite young man! And no sudden side comments about his features such as "Miss", and "...flat-chested chick"! Yao was pleased about this. Forgetting what the other did earlier - it was a good deed honestly, now people know he is he not a she -- wait! - he gestured for the boy to sit and take a breather or two. "Yes, I'm Yao. Uh, I don't know what you called me earlier, but let's leave it at that for now." He cleared some space on the table by putting his phone back in his pocket and placing the brittle china nearer to his side.

"No, don't mind it, I've been here for only a few," Yao saw the gaze the Thai was giving to his food, and immediately went and called for a waiter. "It's nice to meet you as well."

As the waiter arrived, Yao smiled and offered Chai snacks. "You seem hungry...Chai, was it?"


What can I say? Experience with transvestites allows one to distinguish the gender of strangers~ thailaew December 29 2010, 16:48:11 UTC
Chai took a seat, sitting directly across Yao so they were face-to-face. He clasped his hands in front of him, unsure of what to do. He just looked at Yao, trying to be an attentive listener with the occasional nod. "ครั- Yes. I'm normally referred to by Chai." Then he gave a small laugh, "You noticed? คุณ Yao, you are quite perceptive อน้า!"

Chai smiled and murmured a, "Thank you," as he reached for a snack. He ate it quickly, so he could free his hands and accept the menu handed by the waiter standing nearby. After a brief glance at the menu he ordered some hot tea. Turning back to Yao, Chai cleared his throat before then asking, "You called about the tutor ad?"


icarryapanda December 30 2010, 12:40:26 UTC
"Chai, easy to remember name." Yao pierced open one dumpling with the chopsticks and let the meat cool, of course not eating it until the Thai's order arrived. "I'm not that perceptive. Aaah, it's that I am used to being addressed in many ways."

Having only visited Green Palace a few times during large time intervals, Yao glanced around, looking at his 'client' once in a while. The Chinese man got fascinated at the windchimes and questioned himself why had he not seen it before. Speaking of questions...

"Yes! I'm thankful you are in need of a tutor this time of the year and..." Before Yao indulges himself into ranting to the Thai sitting across the table, he calmed down to his more... 'affable' state. If affable meant awkwardness and blunt remarks, so be it. "...and I was interested in covering for your Asian Culture tutorials. No, I am interested in helping you. I-I can help a little on Maths, but I'm only confident about Asian Culture."


thailaew December 30 2010, 14:39:48 UTC
"I could say the same about your name too คุณ Yao!" Chai flashed a smile. "Ah, no need to wait." He spoke as he saw Yao piercing the dumpling. "It seems that they're busy so my order might take a while."

Chai shifted in his seat, adjusting his body to a more comfortable position. He lent forward to allow himself to engage in the conversation better. "That would be great! ไม่เป็นไร้ about the math, any help is appreciated~"

From first impressions in Chai's eyes, Yao seemed knowledgeable and responsible enough. To have gotten a good potential tutor on the first call! It seems that despite his recent bad luck, things were taking a turn for the better. He felt relieved and relaxed at that notion.

"So what day and time would be convenient for you? How many hours?" Chai briefly paused before continuing, "Two? Three?"


icarryapanda December 30 2010, 15:57:44 UTC
"The we won't have any trouble." With an agreement, there's a disagreement that comes along the way. Yao shook his head and placed the chopsticks down on the plate. "I can wait. Would be rude and inconsiderate of me to leave you waiting, aru."

No time to eat nor space out, Mr. Wang Yao. Here come the questions!

"I would suggest somewhere in between, but let's go for three hours so we can go all the way with the lesson in one day." Ah, they were getting to the part where schedules, negotiated; and the salary of undisclosed value, involved. Just like the usual discussion of prices in the Asian Market, Yao appeared eager to settle the details of his potential side-job.

"And for that I am available usually on Tuesdays," He said with confidence. "Mind if I ask, what course are you studying?"


thailaew December 31 2010, 17:27:03 UTC
Chai opened his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by a waiter serving his tea. He thanked the waiter and proceeded to add two packets of sugar to it. He could feel the heat emanating from the cup warming his hands. It was still too hot to drink so he decided to let it cool.

He tried to speak again while stirring his tea so the sugar may dissolve, "Yes, that all sounds very good. Tuesdays are fine with me too! I believe most of the details are settled now." He stopped stirring and proceeded to lay the spoon on the saucer.

"As for my studies I'm doing a major in Agriculture and minor in Asian Culture. I feel that I am quite confident at my major ครับ but for my minor... I feel there is no shame in asking for help when I need it."

Chai lifted the tea cup and blew gently before taking a small sip tentatively. His smile faltered for a moment with the sensation of his tongue being scalded. Nope. Still too hot. He placed the cup back down again, glancing at Yao to show that he was still listening.


icarryapanda January 2 2011, 14:20:10 UTC
"Yes, yes. When would you like to start? Next week?"

Yao did have this little penchant for growing herbs native to China, and a few flowers. But that is a secret not very masked well with his words. "Oh! So you like to plant, is it? You must have a garden, or a greenhouse! Ah, that's amazing..." He can see the discomfort in the other's face as he sipped his tea. It reminded him of how he used to do that, being reckless and wasting good tea.

"I'd say you made a good choice for your minor." He believes that every Asian must know that they excel in Agriculture. And must improve and invest on it. It's a way of life! An art! He really, really likes this young man by the minute! And it might have been incessantly implied throughout this ordeal! He picks up the dumpling using the chopsticks earlier and chews on the soft tip.

"We have a deal, then?"


thailaew January 2 2011, 16:44:09 UTC
"That sounds ideal! Next week it is อน้า~" His grin stretched even further across his face.

"Yes!" Chai immediately straightened up at Yao's question and compliment. "I don't exactly have a greenhouse... I would like to acquire one in the future though! Just that having an apartment, it's... a bit difficult. I have been trying my best to create my own indoor garden of sorts."

His eyes gradually grew more expressive as he continued, "I am currently experimenting with growing more tropical plants in a temperate climate. Trying to make them more resistant to the climate. I feel it would be nice to get fresh chilies, Thai basil, coriander, lemon grass..." He trailed off, temporarily lost in his own imagination.

"Thankyou." He stammered out, tongue tied. He gave a bow with his head to hide his bashful grin and light pink blush across his cheeks.

"Ah yes, I do believe so. Thank you." He lifted the tea cup and took another sip, glancing out the window awkwardly. Thankfully, the tea was warm enough to be drunk and the pain from the burn had dissipated.


icarryapanda January 31 2011, 11:05:52 UTC
The Chinese nodded, eating the last snack on his saucer. "Better make that greenhouse sometime between春天 and Summer..." Yao said - almost whispered - in an attempt to give an advice, not a lecture. He's not that adept with mass-production of plants, his knowledge of it is as cloudy as the steam slowly disappearing from the little tea he left on the cup. Time was surely flying by the minute, which was good. That meant the negoti--conversation was a success!

With one elbow propped on the table, the other resting on his lap, Yao extended the former to signal a handshake to Chai. It was the universal notion for sealing a deal, and Yao went for it even though he might appear a businessman instead of a teacher to the Thai.


thailaew March 12 2011, 19:47:11 UTC
Chai nodded in agreement. He had not thought much about the nitty gritty details regarding his greenhouse but that was a good idea. He made a note of keep that in mind.

"Thank you อน้า~" Chai returned the handshake firmly.

They finished their tea and snacks in silence. The bill was settled quietly. Chai handed out a delicate hand drawn map with instructions and his number. "I guess I'll be seeing you next Tuesday then. Here's my address. It was nice meeting you, good bye!"

After saying their goodbyes and parting Chai smiled despite the cold. Things were going well, he had gotten a tutor surprisingly fast. The tea was still warm in his stomach. The trip home would not be as gloomy as he thought.


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