We now return to our scheduled program of...

Dec 28, 2010 20:18

WHO: Chai and Yao
WHEN: December 28|Tuesday afternoon
WHERE: Green Palace.
WHAT: Potential tutor interview. Interview~

After receiving confirmation for a possible meet-up two days ago, adding the fact that he might nearly go insane from his money problems, subtracting the current weather making him elated, divide all by the notion of waiting for Chai while eating complementary appetizers from Green palace puts Yao in a good mood. Prodding the soft exterior of one dumpling, he idly watched the people walking at Baroque Street through the tall wooden-framed windows of the teahouse. The red paint used on the wood still smells fresh, its scent mixing in with the aroma from the cup of tea sitting beside the plate of dumplings Yao fiddled.

To the right of the plate, was Yao's phone. The backlight illuminated the change of time from 2:51 to 2:52 PM. They didn't really set a proper time for the meeting, so Yao will sit and wait.

i can haz job?, can i has hug nao?, hey i know you, i don't get paid enough for this shit, 1-900-brotalk, so what did happen, i can haz friends?, first times are always good times, i only speak engrish, you all look the same anyways, status: complete, advice column, all azns are bros, y u do dis?, i can explain!, it's a, amuse me, yao's fat ass, why hello thar, i'm responsible i swear, thailand, i'm lovin' it, a man and his melon, china

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