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peaceinvictory December 6 2010, 04:24:48 UTC
It had been almost a week since he had touched alcohol, but the despair was getting to be too much, and seeing Feliciano's recent post had pushed him back over the edge. He could not let Johanna realize how troubled he still was, how his entire life had shattered around him, left him helpless and unable to function. So he had put on the thin smile that had - barely - gotten him through the last week of work and excused himself for the night, saying that he had a project to work on and no, please don't bother to wait up for him.

Otto had not been in the Winchester for a very long time when the door swung open again, sending the chill of the outside seeping into his bones, but he had drained approaching half a dozen of the small shots of hard liquor that the bartender placed before him. His gaze shot up to the door and he froze upon seeing features so similar to his own in the doorway. Features that scratched like coarse sandpaper against the open wound that scarred his heart. ...the wound that was his fault. It was all Ludwig's fault that Feliciano would even consider dropping him, after all. If that meddling man had not decided to get in the middle of them...

Slamming down a few dollars and murmuring that he would return soon, Otto rose and followed as quickly as he could in a semi-drunk state. It was simple to realize that the path Ludwig was taking was towards his own car, so Otto zagged to the side closer to that car and thus the stone wall separating the Winchester from the nearby alley.

"Ludwig. Wait up." Oh, he had something to say, alright...


Sorry for the long wait. School is a necessary evil. -w-;; baer_jager December 13 2010, 21:39:00 UTC
Hearing Otto's voice behind him, Ludwig reluctantly paused before turning around slowly. He really really didn't want to do this now. Or ever, for that matter. But the fact remained that Otto was his cousin.

Ludwig could tell just from looking at him that Otto had had a few to drink already, and the only thing worse than the oncoming very clearly angry Otto was the oncoming very clearly angry Otto who was also under the influence. He could see the train wreck coming, but there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Otto was trying to get between him and his car.

Ludwig stood perfectly still, hands tucked carefully into his pockets as he watched Otto approach. It was like looking into a mirror. An angry mirror. He and his cousin looked so much alike, but it wasn't just looks they shared. After all, Otto wasn't the only one angry about what had happened with Feliciano recently.


S-so sorry for the wait peaceinvictory January 12 2011, 06:02:29 UTC
Otto approached, face flushed from the cold, anger and the drinks inside him. The emotions in his gut were still spinning at the sight of Ludwig, roiling together rage, 'righteous' indignation, blame, regret and sorrow violently enough that he had the momentary urge to vomit. It passed, thankfully, replaced by the burning urge to make the one at fault for the way he was feeling pay, and pay dearly.

"How's Feliciano?"

The even stance and frigid eyes showed that this question was anything but casual and well-meaning, no matter how it might sound. Otto was looking for a specific answer, and if he did not get it, there would be trouble.


No worries~ baer_jager January 13 2011, 20:41:55 UTC
That simple question, delivered with a frigidity that hit like a brick wall, struck Ludwig harder than an insult or an angry accusation would have. He could feel the thin ice underneath his feet, but he wasn't in a mood to tread too lightly. He didn't exactly want a fight with his cousin, but if it came to that, he wasn't going to back down. The rift this man had caused between him and Feliciano wasn't going to be easy to repair, and would likely never be the same.

"Heartbroken," Ludwig answered shortly. He didn't add that he thought Otto was at bigger fault than he was. His frozen expression and stiff attitude were enough to convey that.

Ludwig hadn't noticed that he'd taken his hands out of his pockets, subconsciously preparing himself in case his cousin lunged at him.


peaceinvictory January 18 2011, 22:15:28 UTC
"Oh, is he...?" Otto's voice was cold, clipped and angry. His hands curled into white-knuckled fists at his sides as he watched Ludwig, his enemy, through those icy cold blue eyes.

He took a step forward, as casual-seeming as possible, but his patience was wearing thin and anger was getting the best of him. It wouldn't be long before he could act no longer.

"...Seems to me that's his own fault. But then, you were coercing his decision..."


baer_jager January 22 2011, 09:30:42 UTC
Shifting on his feet slightly, Ludwig didn't miss the step forward, the balled fists at Otto's sides or the anger in his voice.

"Coercing?" Ludwig repeated in a voice that sounded like a glacier moving through a valley, "I did no such thing. I just told him he couldn't have both of us." Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Ludwig disregarded for a moment the fact that his cousin looked like he was about to jump him.

"If anyone was coercing him," Ludwig continued, matching Otto's clipped tone, "It was you. In case you had forgotten, we are engaged."


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