Because of you, my heart is broken.

Dec 05, 2010 11:32

WHO:  Ludwig and Otto.
WHEN:  Saturday night, late.
WHERE:  A narrow alley near The Winchester.
WHAT:  Beer, broken hearts and a back alley. Someone's going to get hurt.

After spending most of the day working overtime, Ludwig had to admit that he was running out of reasons to stay there instead of going home. He was running out of work.But Ludwig was looking forward to getting a couple beers at The Winchester before heading home tonight, thinking about taking Blackie, Berlitz and Aster to the park tomorrow.

But as he pushed open the door, all thoughts of the dogs were wiped from his mind. Already sitting at the bar, was Otto. Freezing for a moment with his hand on the door, Ludwig reconsidered his plan and decided that maybe getting a drink here tonight wasn't such a good idea.

Backing out onto the street again, Ludwig let the door slam shut behind him as he began quickly making his way back to his car. Flipping his collar up against the sudden chill, he tried not to consider the irony of it all. The one person he wanted to see the least sitting his his favorite bar. Maybe he would just go home after all...

come here and get your drinks, this shit just got real, mr. biff fucking manlington, status: incomplete, is this real life?, 911 what's your emergency?, awkwardness: i has it, tonight we dine in hell, someone's gonna die today, gonna beat your ass, they call me... germanry, real men have chest hair, fight fight fight fight!, and remember: don't fuck it up, fml, germany, holy roman empire, you won't like me when i'm angry, disregard everything, ethics ftw, waaaangst, there's this thing called murphy's law, i swear to drunk i'm not god, oh shit getcha towels ready!, talking is for the weak

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