You like whales, too?

Nov 30, 2010 19:06

WHO:  Kiku and Sindre
WHEN:  Tuesday, 30 November, late afternoon/early evening.
WHERE:  The grocery store
WHAT:  Reminiscing about foods from home

Beef...chicken...pork...Sindre sighed as he stared at the the meat counter blankly.  Normally when he came to the store, he had a rough plan of what he'd be making over the next few days; he rarely had the time to go to the store every day.

But due to the sharp increase in his class load due to the looming end of the semester, the increase of work for his TA job due to the upcoming end of the semester, and taking advantage of his already altered sleep patterns due to the previously mentioned tasks to talk to Søren back in Denmark, he hadn't had a chance to plan any meals.

But the fact of the matter was that they needed food, and so Sindre stared at the options, trying to think of dishes to make and dishes that had not been eaten recently.  At the moment, none of the options before him struck him as particularly appetizing.  He had no particular urge to eat any of the meat displayed before him.  He could check the fish, was never as fresh as he would have preferred.

And they probably wouldn't have what he wanted, in any case.  Sindre sighed again.  He currently had a strong craving for whale meat.  Granted, the fact that he couldn't eat it most likely increased his desire for it, but he hadn't had whale in a long time.  Strange the craving would come up in the first place.

"It'd just take a little self control," he grumbled to himself, heedless of what those around him might think of his sentiments.  "If we could raise whales like cows, no one would think twice about killing them for food."

japan, status: complete, we are terrible people, food, whaaaaaaaaaales: lets not save them, norway, nom

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