We're all Time Lords

Nov 21, 2010 14:04

WHO: Emiliana and Lucy-Marie
WHEN: Saturday, November 20, afternoon
WHERE:  Liberty Aquarium to an undisclosed Sushi shop
WHAT: They're not only both short, but they both have another rather interesting thing in common. (prof fetish y/y?)

After a long talk over the internet (which Lucy was glad she understood pretty well now, what would she ever have done without it?) and a short text messaging session, Lucy-Marie found herself actually anxious at work for once in her life. It was only a four hour shift- she got off at noon but- she couldn't help but think about Emiliana.

Jared's girlfriend. Who she had dreamt... died.

But not only that but in respect to Jared and Dewi- Well that seemed rather odd as well. Emi couldn't be much older than her, and Jared most certainly was a bit older himself and it brought an issue up that Lucy herself had never really bothered with before. Dewi was six years older than her. The fact had always been somewhat apparent in her mind with her not telling her parents about the relationship but-

Six years?

And the dream- and the- everything.

By the time the young woman had gotten off work needless to say- she couldn't stop fidgeting outside of the aquarium, looking frantically around for another woman that she only vaguely knew.

can i has hug nao?, status: incomplete, mexico's rice and beans, my life is fail, i made you a tag but i eated it, liberty men like little girls, awkwardness: i has it, 1-900-brotalk, south mexico, i can haz friends?, seychelles, awkward turtle time, and remember: don't fuck it up, tsundere power!, my life is a musical, i know what you did last summer, let's talk about feeeelings~, bonding tiemz, why hello thar, i must be emo, life's a beach, waaaangst, b-but i'm allergic to crying..., bromance

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