Maid Cafes are the Pinacle of Fashion - Duuuuuh!

Nov 16, 2010 18:23

WHO: The Axis Trio~*~*~*
WHEN: Wed. Nov. 17th, mid-afternoon
WHERE: The Royal Cafe
WHAT: Kiku and Feliciano discuss the next seasons fashions, Ludwig is dragged along.

“moemoemoemoe” )

fashion sense does exist, japan, moe fucking kyun, status: incomplete, germany, north italy

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mystiklsushi November 17 2010, 16:27:40 UTC
For those familiar with Honda Kiku, they would hardly be surprised by his office. Really, though, anyone who made it through the cafe itself would hardly be shocked by the interior of the small room. It, of course, was outfitted with the normal things you would expect to find in an office: filing cabinets, a desk, chairs for guests, etc. But, this being a maid cafe, things were bound to be....well, the way they were. Lilac walls, lace doilies, pastel ribbons here and there, the occasional touch of something modernly Victorian...and that was not at all counting the various character goods that could be found decorating the office equipment itself. Pens, staplers, tape dispensers...

It looked more like a small girl's paradise than a 35-year-old man's office (if that small girl happened to have an affection for accounting and business, that is). Not that it bothered Kiku in the least, nor did he seem to even register that he was surrounded by bits of lace and glitter as his fingers flew across the calculator in front of him, balancing budgets and sorting expenses and otherwise preparing for the meeting with Feleciano.

Right on time, there was a knock on the door, accompanied by a now customary nickname. Kiku had given up on resisting the whims of his friend and business contact, finding it easier to simply answer him with, "Please, come in."

He'd dressed for today in a style that was fitting for a waiter, though he'd rolled his sleeves up for office work. Despite common (popular?) belief, this was what he could typically be found wearing while working. Truthfully, it was only rare occasions he donned the maid uniform to lend a hand. Rare. Very rare. Not that his Italian friend would have minded, but...seeing as he'd brought his fiancée along, Kiku was rather glad this was not one of those occasions.


baer_jager December 2 2010, 17:30:52 UTC
After following Feliciano's instructions, Ludwig had quickly found the cafe, parking just down the street. Leaving his coat in the car, his fiance tugging on his suit jacket, he soon found himself standing outside the door to Kiku's office.

Taking the opportunity to look around briefly, Ludwig found the decor rather... interesting. It certainly wasn't the kind of place he would normally visit. And although Feliciano hadn't mentioned anything in the way of what kind of cafe they were going to, he had expected something like this. Nevertheless, it wasn't the kind of place normally found in Liberty, but Ludwig could admit that he admired Kiku's business tenacity.

As awkward as it was between Feliciano and himself after they'd had that talk the other day, Ludwig was determined not to let the setting of this meeting bother him too much. But he still took comfort in the fact that it was Feliciano and Kiku who would be doing most of the talking. If he was lucky, he wouldn't have to say much.

Standing behind Feliciano with his hands tucked into his pockets, Ludwig waited to follow his fiance into the office once they were bidden entry.


loves_pasta December 4 2010, 01:37:09 UTC
Feliciano eagerly pushed open the door, taking in his surroundings like he did each time he entered Kiku's office. Their last few meetings had been in the cafe itself so he was pleasantly surprised to see a few changes.

He held the door open for Ludwig, eye's downcast momentarily, tinged with shame that went away too quickly for anyone to catch. They were here to talk business after all, he had no right to be thinking about problems at home.

"Ciao, Kiki!" Feliciano was grinning again when he turned around from closing the door, slipping into one of the seats set in front of the man's desk. "You got a new figure," he pointed out politely. "It's cute."

Then he turned slightly to where Ludwig was sitting in the chair next to him, waving between the two. "This is my boss, Ludwig, that I tell you about all the time. Luddy, this is Kiku. He helped me get ready last year for my assignment in Japan."


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