House wifu vs. HERO: Ultimate Showdown

Nov 14, 2010 20:41

Who: Alfred and Ion
When:  November 14th
Where: Ivan's apartment
What: Alfred finally realises that the man handing him coffee every morning might be sleeping with Ivan.

Between everything that had happened since the first time he had chatted with Ion, Alfred had nearly forgotten about him but it was suddenly very easy to remember when he got up one morning and found that all their clothes were folded. Which he'd notice was becoming a common occurrence; every morning he'd wake up and find both his and Ivan's clothes folded neatly into separate piles no less. It hadn't really clicked until he tried to figure out who was doing it. Natalia certainly wasn't doing it... Which left only one person.

That strange tall, long-haired man that he occasionally saw lurking when he stumbled around the apartment in the morning half-asleep, who handed him his coffee... Who always opened the door when he was allowed to go out the front door instead of the fire escape. Oh yeah. her Him.

Wait wasn't that- Oh right. Oh right. The only with Ivan. You'd think that the family would be fine with incest but no, there had to be cousins involved. Wait, did that count as incest?  Oh well, it was still sick. They probably had kinky threesomes or something when Alfred wasn't there. With bondage and weird Russian pornos called "Red Army: Dawn of the EuroStar 2". Those sick bastards. And it all started with that strange conversation about Ivan. He said he was going to fight him but- Well no time like the present right?

Figuring out when Ivan was out of the house wasn't hard since he had a job and was gone for most of the day which meant that when he kicked the door open at exactly 1:34pm on the she-man folding a pair of red boxers in an apron and bandanna. "You- Ivan's cousin! I'm Alfred and I'm going to kick your ass for sleeping with my boyfriend."

getting to knooooow you, rip manriness, moe level is over 9000, what the derp?, someone's gonna die today, moe moe times, who are you?!, the law is here!, i only speak engrish, what are personal boundaries?, status: complete, love advice, moldova, please don't kill me, oh god get off me, this thread will give you cavities, surprise moe attack!, moe fucking kyun, america

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